FAIRMONT– The first full weekend of May was a busy one in Fairmont as several annual events made their return.
On Saturday the historic Orville P. Chubb House, located at 209 Lake Ave. in Fairmont, opened its doors to the public for the annual Spring tea. The Chubb House typically hosts two community events a year, one in the winter and one in the spring. The last event that was held there was in 2019 as 2020 and 2021 events were cancelled due to Covid-19 restrictions and concerns.
The first event back after a two year hiatus did not disappoint. Mary Don Kislingbury, a Martin County Preservation Association member, estimated that 125 people attend the Spring tea on Saturday. The warm weather also allowed for outdoor seating which was nice given the large crowd and small size of Fairmont’s oldest surviving building. The Chubb House’s loyal volunteers served tea, coffee, fruit, baked goods and a variety of delicacies.
Another event that made its return this weekend was Borchardt Dance Company’s annual recital, which took place Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon at the Performing Arts Center at Fairmont High School.
For more than 50 years, BDC’s recital has taken place over Mother’s Day weekend. However, in 2020 the recital was held in July at Martin Luther High School in Northrop. Last year, the recital also took place over the summer with capacity limits.
To the excitement and relief of many, this year’s recital was held on the traditional dates and in the traditional venue with no capacity limits. Thirty-two different dances took place by dancers from as young as three, all the way to 18-year-old seniors in high school. Several numbers were also done by those in the adult dance class.
The busy weekend was just the start of a busy season and events around Fairmont will continue next weekend with Dancin’ Plus’s recital, which will take place Friday through Sunday at the Fairmont Opera House.
Emmalyne’s Angel Day, an event held by the Forever, Emmalyne organization, will take place Sunday, May 15 at the East Chain Activity Center. The event will include a 5K, activities, music, food and a raffle.
Later that week, from May 19 to the 21st, Kinship of Martin County’s annual industrial auction will be held at the Martin County fairgrounds.
On Saturday, May 21, the Fairmont Lakes Foundation’s bi-annual lake shore clean up will take place. Several other events and activities will take place around town that weekend, including an activity at the Martin County Library in Fairmont, a Boy Scout event at Cedar Point Scout Camp and an event hosted by the Kids Just Want to Have Fun committee at Heritage Acres.
Toward the end of the month, on May 26, there will be an unveiling of Going Hog Wild’s competed hog statues, which will go to more than 30 businesses and organizations around Martin County. The statues were painted by more than a dozen area artists. The event will start at 5 p.m. on Downtown Plaza.
The last weekend of the month will also be a busy one with Fairmont Opera House’s Memorial Day Street Fest, which will take place on Downtown Plaza on Saturday, May 28. The event will consist of live music, various food trucks and activities for children and families.
While many people’s schedules may be quickly filling up leading into summer, it’s probably safe to say it’s a welcome sight after two years of many cancelled events and celebrations.
To learn more about upcoming activities and events, check out the Fairmont Area Community Calendar at fairmontareacalendar.com.