KENTUCKY (WFIE) – It’s Christmas in July in parts of Kentucky.
Governor Andy Beshear and First Lady Britainy Beshear spent Monday in Bremen and Dawson Springs to bring Christmas cheer to those affected by the December tornadoes.
At least 100,000 toys, thousands of shoes, and gift cards were donated in December from the First Lady’s Christmas Toy Drive.
Monday, another portion of those items were given to those families.
With a visit from Santa Claus, food, and gifts, the Christmas in July event brought smiles to many Western Kentucky families.
”We think if we can stack up at least one good day after another, hopefully create so many good memories that will help them process that difficult night. And with the complexity and time it takes to rebuild, just a fun day with ice cream and funnel cakes for each of these kids, maybe a few gifts too,” said Gov. Beshear.
The Governor and First Lady say because of everyone’s generosity and donations, they were able to have Christmas celebrations back in December, but it’s even more exciting to also have a Christmas in July.
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