LANSING, Mich. — Here’s a look at a few ACE, Arts, Culture and Entertainment, events for the week of July 11 through July 17.
EVENT: Play in the Park with Joel Tacey
DATE: Tuesday, July 12
LOCATION: Valley Court Park, East Lansing
WEBSITE: www.cityofeastlansing.com
EVENT: Meridian Parks and Rec Free Summer Concert Series
DATE: Wednesday, July 13
LOCATION: Meridian Farmers Market, Okemos
WEBSITE: www.meridian.mi.us/
EVENT: Sea Cruisers perform
DATE: Wednesday, July 13
LOCATION: Turner-Dodge House, Lansing
WEBSITE: https://www.facebook.com/events/turner-dodge-house-heritage-center/sea-cruisers-at-turner-dodge-house-in-lansing/866672377278874/

Sea Cruisers
EVENT: DAM JAM Music Festival
DATE: Thursday, July 14 through Saturday, July 16
LOCATION: Brenke Fish Ladder, Old Town Lansing
WEBSITE: www.lansing501.com

Lansing 5:01
EVENT: Ionia County Free Fair
DATE: Friday, July 15
LOCATION: Ionia Fair Grounds, Ionia
WEBSITE: www.ioniafreefair.com

Ionia Free Fair
EVENT: Porkapalooza BBQ Cook-off
DATE: Saturday, July 16
LOCATION: 503 Brass Rail Bar, Jackson
WEBSITE: https://www.centerstagejackson.org/year-events/bbq/

Porkapalooza 2022
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