Richardson Backcountry in Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo
“Photo provided by Ride North Moto”
Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo Economic Development & Tourism (FMWBEDT) has teamed up with Ride North Moto, to deliver their first-ever off-road motorcycle event to the area.
Together, they’re launching “Boreal Royale”, a dual-sport motorcycle adventure taking place June 24-26.
Tyler Cole, Sports & Events Economic Development Officer with FMWBEDT describes it as not being a race, but more of an opportunity to responsibly welcome the motorcycle community to the beautiful backcountry areas of Wood Buffalo.
The event includes four nights of camping at the motocross track and three days of competition that will see competitors use the WANDURO app to find waypoints and collect Quest Points.
The press release describes the event as being similar to geocaching, which is where individuals hunt for hidden objects by using GPS coordinates, but with motorcycles.
“We are working towards this event becoming a staple in the dual-sport and adventure sport motorcycling event calendar going forward,” explained Cole.
McMurray Dirt Riders Association and the WANDURO Adventure Moto Navigation events team from British Columbia will also be hosting Boreal Royale in partnership with the event.
Mike Haberoth, Founder of Ride North Moto says, “We are very excited to see the 1st Annual Boreal Royale come together and to share our passion for motorcycle sport with others in the community. Our local partners have been the key to helping us explore the region’s backcountry and inspiring us all to be proud of the place we call home.”
FMWBEDT stated in a press release that the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation has given permission to the group to allow competitors on their traditional territory in the Richardson backcountry north of Fort McMurray.
An introductory video for the event can be viewed at Boreal Royale – Teaser Video – YouTube.
For more information, you can visit ridenorthmoto.com.