The University of Montevallo is celebrating Earth Day 2022 with a wide variety of events both before and after the April 21 Earth Fest – UM’s celebration of earthen festivities.
“We’ve invited dozens of organizations who will bring information about what they do, like the local river keepers and Oak Mountain State Park,” said Dr. Susan Caplow, associate professor of environmental studies. “The students have really stepped up this year to help with all the planning and execution of these events, and they’ll be doing environmental crafts. We’ll have live music and one band featuring a professor in the music department, AJ Covey, who does percussion.”
“This is the first time we’re bringing food trucks. Earth Fest will be after school so people can come and enjoy it. The point of it is not to focus on all the ways we’re hurting Mother Nature, but the ways we can celebrate nature.”
“It’s just a fun, positive, happy event.”
All events are open to the public.
The festivities kick off with a clothing swap to prevent waste on April 18. From 3-6 p.m. at Anna Irvin Dining Hall, clothes can be dropped off or freely taken.
On April 19, from 9-11 a.m. at the UM Organic Community Garden, Montevallo students are invited to get their hands dirty by helping plant the summer garden. Tools and instructions will be provided.
ValloCycle Glow Ride will lead a 45-minute group bicycle ride from University of Montevallo on Main to La Conchita Bakery for people of all skill levels and ages on April 20 starting at 5:30 p.m. Paletas – popsicles – will be provided. Bicycles can be borrowed for the ride by emailing vallocycle@gmail.com.
April 21 is Earth Fest, which starts at 3 p.m. and ends at 7 p.m. on UM’s Main Quad. There will be live music, food trucks, earth-focused crafts, a chalk art competition between campus organizations and more. If it rains, Earth Fest will be held at the Student Activity Center.
On April 22, everyone is invited to help pick up litter in the Main Street district. The meet up will be at the University of Montevallo on Main at 1 p.m. The litter cleanup will end at 3 p.m. Cleanup materials will be provided. If it rains, the event will be moved to April 23 at the same place, same times.
The final day of UM’s Earth Fest activities is on April 23. ValloCycle will host a Drop-In Bike Maintenance Clinic from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in front of Strand Coffeehouse. The community is invited to bring their bikes and learn how to maintain them.