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Northern youth make an impression at national leadership event

Northern youth make an impression at national leadership event

The highlight of the trip was a two-day canoe trip in Jacques-Cartier National Park

The hunting and outdoor survival skills of five Junior Canadian Rangers from Northern Ontario made an impression on Junior Rangers from across Canada at a national leadership training event in Quebec.

“Their outdoor skills impressed,” said Sgt. Steven Botelho, a Junior Ranger instructor who accompanied the five to the event. “They passed their skills along and it was nice to see them doing it.”

The five representing Ontario at the event were among 36 top Junior Rangers who completed an eight-day annual leadership course, called the National Leadership Enhanced Training Session, at Canadian Forces Base Valcartier, just north of Quebec City. The Junior Rangers is a Canadian Army program for youth aged 12 to 18 living in remote and isolated communities across the Canadian North.

The five were McCartney Beardy of North Caribou Lake, Ryan Kakekaspan of Fort Severn, Thunder O’Keese of Kasabonika Lake, Summer Southwind of Lac Seul, and Madden Taylor of Constance Lake

“They all enjoyed their time and they all learned something new about leadership skills that they can take back to their communities,” Botelho said. “They had a good time and they learned a lot.”

The training included instruction in classrooms and in the outdoors. They were kept busy for eight days.

Outdoor events included a challenging but fun zip line, shooting, canoeing, a visit to a bowling alley, a shopping mall, and one to the cultural centre at the Huron Wendat First Nation.

A highlight of the training was a two-day canoe trip on the spectacular Jacques-Cartier River in Jacques-Cartier National Park, 50 kilometres north of Quebec City. It included challenging portages, negotiating white water rapids, and working together.

“It was the best thing we did,” said Beardy, whose canoe partner was a Junior Ranger from Nunavut. “Connecting with her was great. We talked about our different backgrounds, how we hunted, and how we lived differently. We learned from each other.”

The Junior Rangers from Ontario and those from elsewhere in Canada encountered, some for the first time, living with the French language.

“Yes, I wasn’t used to it,” McCartney said. “I found it fascinating to find out how different some lives were to mine.”

“The kids helped each other in communicating with Junior Rangers who either could not speak English well or spoke no English,” Botelho said. “It was nice to see. It was all part of their learning process.” 

Sgt. Peter Moon is a Canadian Ranger with the 3rd Canadian Ranger Patrol Group at Canadian Forces Base Borden

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Return to Latrobe allows Steelers to resume community events, youth football initiatives

Return to Latrobe allows Steelers to resume community events, youth football initiatives

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Izaak Walton League chapter offering free events for youth

Izaak Walton League chapter offering free events for youth

Submitted photo
The Mountaineer Chapter of Izaak Walton League offered an Air Rifle/Pistol Shooting Event in May, with 10 young people participating in the event.

BEVERLY — The Mountaineer Chapter of Izaak Walton League members are excited to be able to once again present their annual free youth events to the community this year.

In May the Chapter’s Air Rifle/Pistol Shooting Event was offered, with 10 kids participating in the event. The next Air Rifle/Pistol Shooting Event has been scheduled for Sept. 10.

This year the chapter will be combining their Youth Conservation Day with their Family Campout on Saturday, July 23.

Youth Conservation Day is a free event open to children ages 8 -17 years, while under-aged children must be supervised by an adult. Some of the learning stations will include skeet shooting, fishing, air rifle and more.

All attending will be served lunch and are asked to dress appropriately for the day’s weather. Registration will be begin at 8:30 a.m. in the large pavilion, with the event set to begin at 9 a.m.

To be eligible for prizes at the end of the day, children must be present and have registered before 9 a.m. The chapter’s clubhouse is located approximately six miles straight up Files Creek Road in Beverly. The event will end at about 2 p.m. Those who would like to stay for the Family Campout may do so and enjoy some fishing.

For those who are only attending the Family Campout, registration will begin at 4 p.m. An adult must stay with those children attending overnight. “Sorry, no campers, only tents,” officials said. The evening meal will be prepared on an open campfire and snacks will also be provided. The evening will consist of games, fishing, fun and laughter. Anyone wishing to bring an outside game to share with the children is asked to please do so.

Breakfast will be served at 8 a.m. on Sunday morning for those who braved the overnight stay. Everyone is invited to bring a friend and come to make new friends. Please note that overnight staying may be canceled due to bad weather.

You may call the clubhouse at 304-636-4140 on the day of events for more information. The chapter has a large pavilion, restrooms, fishing poles and tents for this event. Visit the chapter’s Facebook page and website,, for further information.

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Dixie Youth Baseball holding fundraiser events

Dixie Youth Baseball holding fundraiser events

JACKSONVILLE, N.C. (WITN) – Several fundraisers are being held to help with the travel costs to the Dixie Youth Baseball State tournament.

The 8U and 10U White Oak All Star Baseball team from Jacksonville, NC went undefeated to win their District Championship.

Both teams have earned a spot at the Dixie Youth Baseball State tournament next.

Several fundraisers (bake sales- Saturday at 10 a.m., Jacksonville Target, 20% night at Pelicans SnoBall in Jacksonville- 5-7p.m. on Wednesday July 6th, and 10% night at Texas Roadhouse in Jacksonville on Sunday July 3rd) right up until the State tournament to help with the travel costs.

Copyright 2022 WITN. All rights reserved.

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After 3 year absence Pride returns to Edmonton to celebrate diversity, youth | CBC News

After 3 year absence Pride returns to Edmonton to celebrate diversity, youth | CBC News

Pride returned to Churchill Square in Edmonton this weekend with a diverse lineup of musical acts, comedy shows, drag performances and more. 

It’s been four years since the city has held any major Pride events following issues around diversity and the inclusion of police officers. In 2019 the Pride Festival was cancelled just 10 days before events were scheduled to begin. 

Trevor Watson, executive producer of Edmonton PrideFest which is hosting the weekend event, said he was happy to see Pride return to its “home” in Churchill Square. 

“Once we announced that Pride was coming back home to Churchill Square, I think it brought tears to a lot of people’s eyes in the community,” he said. 

Teens Phoenix Phillips (right) and Onyx Ellis attended their first Pride event on Saturday in Edmonton’s Churchill Square. (Julien LaTraverse/Radio-Canada)

In light of concerns over diversity and inclusion in the local LGBTQ community, organizers issued a statement encouraging people to wear red to support queer and/or trans people who are also Black, Indigenous and/or people of colour (QTBIPOC).

PrideFest asked attendees to bring non-perishable food donations for Raricanow, an Edmonton non-profit dedicated to helping the QTBIPOC community. 

After several years with no events, Watson said it was great to be back.

Edmonton PrideFest took place June 24 and 25 in Churchill Square in downtown Edmonton. (Emily Fitzpatrick/CBC)

“We haven’t had a big Pride celebration now for a number of years,” he said. “So what’s so exciting about today [is] this is the first pride for so many people.”

Two young people experiencing their first Pride were teens Onyx Ellis and Phoenix Phillips. 

Ellis said it was great to be in a positive environment where different sexual identities are respected and included. 

That feeling was shared by another first time attendee. 

After four years with no Pride events, Watson said he expected this would be the first Pride for many people. (Emily Fitzpatrick/CBC)

Chloe Savard said it’s important to have events like PrideFest where the LGBTQ community can come together and offer each other support and acceptance. 

“I think it was just a part of finding a community and also feeling understood,” Savard said. “So to just find people who are so open to just having conversations I don’t feel like I have to explain myself all the time.”

Crowds gathered in Churchill Square in downtown Edmonton to celebrate Pride on Saturday afternoon. More events are scheduled for Sunday. (Emily Fitzpatrick/CBC)

Savard’s mother also attended the event on Saturday — a sign of support that meant a lot. 

“I think that’s what I appreciate the most is that even if she doesn’t know, she’s trying.”

Plans for next year are already underway, and Watson has high hopes for Pride 2023. 

“I don’t want to announce that quite yet, but we are working on something that starts with the letter P that goes down the street, but I can’t say what it is.”


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UEFA-CONMEBOL announce new events for women’s football, futsal and youth teams

Three new events have been announced by UEFA and CONMEBOL following the success of Finalissima ©Getty Images

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Event: Youth Native Prairie Poster Contest

Event: Youth Native Prairie Poster Contest

Native Prairie – Annual Youth Poster Contest

Celebrate Native Prairie Appreciation Week! Make a poster about “Protecting Prairie” or “Species at Risk” for a chance to win a prize!

Contest Details:
• Age Categories: under age 6, 7-10, and 11-16
• 11-16 Category must include information about what people can do to help
• Deadline: Post marked by June 3rd, 2022
• Winners will be announced on June 25th, 2022
• Please indicate on the back of the poster, : Name, Age and a phone
number or email address (only winning entries will be notified)
• Posters will be judged based on use of prairie species at risk, artistic ability
• For Contest Rules:

Prizes for Winners and Runner-Up in EACH Age Category!
Prizes include outdoor experiences or gift certificates!

Send Entries to:
SK PCAP c/o P.O. Box 13, Val Marie, SK S0N 2T0

Contact Info

Name Saskatchewan Prairie Conservation Action Plan
Phone (306) 352-0472
Link For more info click here.
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Event: Youth Native Prairie Poster Contest

Event: Youth Native Prairie Poster Contest

Native Prairie – Annual Youth Poster Contest

Celebrate Native Prairie Appreciation Week! Make a poster about “Protecting Prairie” or “Species at Risk” for a chance to win a prize!

Contest Details:
• Age Categories: under age 6, 7-10, and 11-16
• 11-16 Category must include information about what people can do to help
• Deadline: Post marked by June 3rd, 2022
• Winners will be announced on June 25th, 2022
• Please indicate on the back of the poster, : Name, Age and a phone
number or email address (only winning entries will be notified)
• Posters will be judged based on use of prairie species at risk, artistic ability
• For Contest Rules:

Prizes for Winners and Runner-Up in EACH Age Category!
Prizes include outdoor experiences or gift certificates!

Send Entries to:
SK PCAP c/o P.O. Box 13, Val Marie, SK S0N 2T0

Contact Info

Name Saskatchewan Prairie Conservation Action Plan
Phone (306) 352-0472
Link For more info click here.
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The Warehouse celebrates youth achievement with plethora of events

The Warehouse celebrates youth achievement with plethora of events
The local Boys and Girls Club has come a long way in the last 50-plus years, including a move from Wellington Street to Lindsay Street and new branding as BGC Kawarthas. The club is once again celebrating the contributions of youth to the community on June

After keeping Kawartha Lakes Youth Award ceremonies small over the last two years due to COVID-19 restrictions, BGC Kawarthas (Boys and Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes) is going big this year with a week of special activities designed to celebrate youth achievement.

The fun kicks off Tuesday (June 7) with the Music Makers’ open mic night from 6 to 8 p.m. where youth can share their songs, poems, dances and spoken word performances. Snacks and good vibes will be in abundance.

In addition, the Keystone Youth Council, which is comprised of local high school students, is organizing local speakers to share their experiences with mental health.

A three-on-three basketball tournament is scheduled to take place on Wednesday (June 8) from 6 to 9 p.m. at the outdoor basketball court. Teams of six players — consisting of at least two female/two male identifying players — are being sought. Costumes or matching outfits are encouraged for bonus points but are not mandatory.

On Thursday (June 9), the Warehouse presents its Flea Market: Spring Edition showcasing the arts, crafts and food from its youth and community members. The event runs from 6 to 9 p.m. at the outdoor basketball court and features 20 local vendors, providing an excellent opportunity to support local businesses and the youth that will be creating some of their first pop-ups.

The week wraps up with the Kawartha Lakes Youth Awards presented at the club, located at 107 Lindsay St. S. in Lindsay, on June 10.

The awards were first launched to mark the 50th anniversary of BGC Kawarthas in 2020 and shine a spotlight on youth in our community between the ages of 12 and 24 in eight categories: BGC Club Spirit Award; Arts Achievement; Entrepreneurship; Green Award; Humanitarian; Leadership; Resiliency; and Physical Literacy. Two scholarships are also presented. The Ron Kennedy Scholarship is given to a youth entering post-secondary education or training within the next 12 months. The Marcie Beall Scholarship is offered to the winner of the BGC Club Spirit Award in the 18 to 24 age category.

For more information on the awards and Youth Week events visit Updates will also be posted on the club’s social media on Instagram?@bgcwarehouse and Facebook at? BGC Kawarthas.

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Langley municipalities host sports, culture and arts events for Youth Week – Aldergrove Star

Langley municipalities host sports, culture and arts events for Youth Week - Aldergrove Star

Langley’s young people have been at the forefront this week as celebrations for the 2022 Youth Week head into the final days.

Acknowledging the accomplishments and diversity of youth, BC Youth Week is celebrated annually during the first week of May. Locally, the Langley City and Langley City Youth have collaborated to bring a series of events for youth aged 12 to 24.

Upcoming events are as follows:

1. Youth Art Gallery

Coming up on May 5, a gallery will celebrate young artists by hosting an art exhibition that is open to everyone. Langley City is inviting the public to Timms Community Centre from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m, as art pieces of students in Grade 6 to 12 are showcased.

There will be more than 25 pieces displayed.

“We know youth love to create and make art so we are celebrating young artists by hosting an art gallery to show their pieces. Anyone can come to Timms and see the amazing talent that youth in our community have,” said Taran Kingsbury, recreation programmer at the city.

There is no registration required, and the event is free for everyone. Timms Community Centre is located at 20399 Douglas Cres.

2. Movie Night

A comfy seat and a big screen at the Timms Community Center – Langley City is inviting youth in Grade 6 to 12 to watch Encanto, a 2021 animated movie.

The event planned for Friday, May 6, will run from 5 to 8 p.m. The entry is free for all youth. Attendees can bring snacks.

“It’s just like the theatre. Relax and watch in the mini movie theatre.” said Kingsbury.

3. Youth Week Festival

For the final day, celebrations will be held at Douglas Park. Activities such as button making, art station, raffle, cultural shows, crafts, goodies bag distribution, and more are planned to mark the end of 2022 youth week.

Drop-in is free for ages 12 to 24 for the Saturday, May 7 event, which runs from noon to 4 p.m.

“We are trying to bring out multi-culturalism through this activity. Meet new people and hang out with friends and staff,” Kingsbury added. “It is something they deserve.”

The idea to acknowledge the contributions of youth was first shared in 1995 by a small group of local municipal planners and youth recreation leaders in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia.

Initially, discussions revolved around the idea of organizing a Youth Day.

Later the group decided to dedicate a full week focused on youth, and Youth Week was born. More than 20 years later, Youth Week has become a provincial celebration to promote awareness of youth.

For more information, people can contact Langley City Youth at 604-514-2999.


The Township is celebrating Youth Week by hosting Active Youth Swims at Township pools and an Active Youth Skate at George Preston Recreation Centre.

Youth, 13 to 18 years old, are invited to come out to swim and skate during a youth-only designated time where they can enjoy fun activities and music.

Choose from these Active Youth activities still to come:

• Active Youth Skate

Location: George Preston Recreation Centre

Date: Thursday, May 5

Time: 4 to 5:30 p.m.

• Active Youth Swim

Location: W.C. Blair Recreation Centre

Date: Friday, May 6

Time: 7:30 to 9 p.m.

• Active Youth Swim

Location: Aldergrove Credit Union Community Centre

Date: Saturday, May 7

Time: 7 to 8:30 p.m.

Admission is $4.26 for each activity.

All activities require advance registration. Register now at


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