HOLYOKE, Mass. (WGGB/WSHM) -On Saturday, the city of Holyoke kicked off a series of events on “green infrastructure” storm water management. The event, part of a three-part series offered by the City of Holyoke, celebrated facilities that manage rainfall using plants.
Western Mass News attended Saturday’s event at the Holyoke Library, where we caught up with the Director of Conservation and Sustainability, Yoni Glogower, who explained the project.
“These are facilities designed to intersect rainwater and let them absorb into the water instead of just cart them directly into our sewer system,” Glogower explained.
Glogower said the rain garden at the Holyoke Library was installed back in 2012. The goal of the green infrastructure project is to bring improvements and maintenance to the rain gardens while also helping to educate the city.
Rain gardens help to prevent pollution by keeping chemicals and other debris from our roads out of our water systems, like the Connecticut River.
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