For as long as he can remember, Mohnton’s Memorial Day parade has been a highlight of Jeffery Shanely’s year.
Shanely — a longtime resident and now the head of Mohnton’s parade committee — said he looks back fondly on childhood days spent celebrating with friends and watching the Gov. Mifflin High School band march.
Since 1960, the Memorial Day parade has been a fixture in the community like no other, Shanely said. Everyone knew it was happening, and everyone showed up.
“It’s kind of a natural part of life in Mohnton,” Shanely said.
Like so many facets of the pre-COVID-19 pandemic past, that part of Mohnton’s life has ceased since 2019.
Other than a small memorial service held by veteran groups at the Mohnsville Cemetery — privately in 2020 and publicly in 2021 — Mohnton’s Memorial Day celebrations have been postponed.
But as the winter weather fades to spring, thirst for a deeper warmth and camaraderie absent since COVID is driving local demand for the return of large-scale community events.
“It’s something that helps everybody get over what we’ve gone through the last two years,” Shanely said.
This year, those missing the marchers, classic cars and tunes from the Reading Buccaneers won’t be disappointed: The Mohnton Memorial Day parade is back in full swing.
And even at 92 years old, local legend Shirley Showalter — who has sung the national anthem every memorial service without fail for the past 30 years — will honor veterans with her voice again at the Mohnsville Cemetery.

Shanely said the amount of parade volunteers this year is double what was seen in previous years. Donations have increased substantially as well, Shanely said, and are flowing in earlier than usual.
“We definitely got good responses and quick responses from sponsors,” Shanely said.
Shillington, too, has seen a groundswell of interest since announcing its Memorial Day parade will be resurrected this year, also for the first time since 2019.
“People are busting at the seams to get out,” said Ed Michalik, head of the Shillington parade committee. “They’ve been calling town hall asking if we’re having it.”
Michalik said enthusiasm levels for the parade are noticeably higher than in previous years.
“I think it’s all part of getting back to normal,” Michalik said. “A lot of the activities we’ve had, even this past summer opening the (Shillington) pool with precautions in place, it’s yet another step for people to come together.”
Michalik and Shanely said this year’s parade will resume operations entirely as they have been in the past. No pandemic-related procedural changes will be made to either event.
Fersommling returns
Another Berks staple, the annual Fersommling, an event steeped in Pennsylvania Dutch culture and cuisine, is set to reunite community members.
Hundreds of attendees are predicted at this year’s event, mostly from Berks, but also from Lancaster and Lebanon counties and the Lehigh Valley, said Joyce Hassler, a member of the Fersommling event board.
“People are very anxious to see it come back,” Hassler said. “And this may be the only time in a year that we get to see some of these people.”
Before COVID, the only other time the Fersommling hadn’t run since starting in 1937 was from 1943 through 1945 during World War II.
And although the halls of the Leesport Farmers Market have been quiet on Fersommling day these past two years, the aroma of scrapple, shoo-fly pie, and fresh cooked ham — Hassler’s favorite — will again fill the space on the Monday after Easter.

Hassler noted the event, which is attended by many elderly community members, would likely see a decline over previous years’ showings due to lingering COVID concerns.
“Absolutely it (COVID) is a part of it, but I’m not blaming COVID entirely,” Hassler said. “Age is going to take its toll. You may be housebound or physically unable to get there.”
Nonetheless, Hassler said she hopes young Pennsylvania Germans and others interested in the unique culture keep the event alive for years to come.
“It’s just the idea of getting together and hearing the music and just the fellowship,” Hassler said. “Fellowship to Pennsylvania Germans is very important.”
Anniversary delayed
Fellowship is also the goal of renewed events at the Keystone Social Club in Hamburg, said club President Gene Schlegel.
Pandemic concerns forced the club to postpone its 100-year anniversary celebration for two years, but over half of the club’s 400 members attended the gala this month.
“There’s a lot of people that are looking forward to it,” Schlegel said before the event.
Schlegel said the club opened again for bowling last year, but some members hadn’t been in to see their friends since COVID began.
Those members were out in force April 2 to bowl at the club’s lanes, celebrate longstanding members and make new memories.