This weekend is chock-a-block with exciting events in Chilliwack and the City of Chilliwack has authorized a series of road closures so everyone can plan their routes accordingly.
The Chilliwack Mural Festival runs Saturday, Aug. 20 with road closures from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Victoria Street from College Street to Young Road, Mill Street from Victoria Avenue to Wellington Avenue, and Kipp Avenue from Main Street to Yale Road closed for mural festival. (See map above)
Flight Fest runs Sunday, Aug. 21, Road closures 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. will close the westbound Airport Road and southbound portion of Broadway between Cessna Drive and Brooks Avenue to accommodate event parking. Detour available via Brooks Avenue and Young Road. B.C. Chilliwack Alliance Church will see event parking with a shuttle bus starting at noon. The #57 bus will be rerouted throughout the day along the detour route, southwest bound direction only.
Also on Sunday is Chilliwack Pride with road closures from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Wellington Avenue from Main Street to Five Corners, Mill Street from Victoria Avenue to Wellington Avenue, and Victoria Avenue from College Street to Young Road closed.
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City of ChilliwackRoad conditions