Events might be canceled due to COVID-19.
Patrick’s Day Parade — Watch parade, breakfast included, to benefit Empty Stocking Fund and Mr. Carmel Veterans Service Center, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. March 12, Blondie’s upper deck, 24 N. Tejon St., $30. Registration: tinyurl.com/2p92ywfb.
The Angel Gala — To benefit Angels of America’s Fallen, 5 p.m., Broadmoor Hall, 15 Lake Circle, $175. Registration: aoafallen.org.
410 Veterans Group Meeting — 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays, Black Eyed Pea, 887 N. Academy Blvd. All veterans and spouses, all branches and eras welcome; 719-460-6317.
The National Museum of World War II Aviation tours — 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesdays-Sundays, 755 Aviation Way, $11-$17, free for WWII Veterans. Tickets: worldwariiaviation.org.
Pikes Peak Detachment of the Marine Corps League Meeting — 8 a.m. breakfast, meeting starts at 9 a.m., third Saturday, DAV Chapter 26, 6880 Palmer Park Blvd., $10 for breakfast; pikespeakmcl.org.
Women’s Army United, Chapter 75 Meeting — 10:30 a.m. fourth Saturday, Sand Creek Library, 1821 S. Academy Blvd. All women veterans are invited to attend; Susan, 719-466-3227.
Want to get the word out about your military or veterans event? Email carlotta.olson@gazette.com with details.