Music on the Mesa — With Blue Steel – Air Force Academy rock band, 4-7 p.m., Gold Hill Mesa, 142 S. Raven Mine Drive; goldhillmesa.com/community-life/events.
SEPT. 12
Hail & Farewell — To welcome senior military leaders who have moved to the Colorado Springs community and say farewell to those who are leaving the area, 5-7 p.m., Space Foundation, 4425 Arrowswest Drive, $20-$45. Registration: tinyurl.com/3jf7bhd6.
SEPT. 12-18
Military Appreciation Week — Fifty percent off the base admission price for all active-duty, veteran and retired military personnel and their dependents living in the same household, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, 4250 Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Road. Advance tickets required: cmzoo.org/military.
SEPT. 16
Colorado Veterans Project’s Let Freedom Swing Golf Tournament — 2-8 p.m., Arrowhead Golf Course, 10850 Sundown Trail, Littleton, $150-$600. Registration: cvpgolf.com/register.
SEPT. 17
Music on the Mesa — With Mile High – Fort Carson 4th Infantry Band, 4-7 p.m., Gold Hill Mesa, 142 S. Raven Mine Drive; goldhillmesa.com/community-life/events.
SEPT. 28-OCT. 2
Second Infantry Division Association Annual Reunion — Kansas City, Mo.; Mike Davino, 919-498-1910, 2ida.president@charter.net.
NOV. 5
Denver Veterans Day Parade & Festival — 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Civic Center Park, Denver; denverveteransday.com/parade-festival.
NOV. 12
Denver Veterans Day Run — 6:30 a.m., City Park, Denver. Go online for prices and registration: denverveteransday.com/run.
Comeback Yoga — Free in-person and virtual yoga classes for military service members and their families; comebackyoga.org.
DAV Chapter 26 Membership Meetings — Hot meal at 5 p.m., meeting starts at 6 p.m., second Tuesdays, 6880 Palmer Park Blvd., open to all veterans and their guests; dav26co.org.
410 Veterans Group Meeting — 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays, Black Eyed Pea, 887 N. Academy Blvd. All veterans and spouses, all branches and eras welcome; 719-460-6317.
Women’s Equine Assisted Mental Health Group — 10:30 a.m.-noon Wednesdays. Hosted by StableStrides for women veterans who have experienced trauma. Call for information: 719-495-3908.
Men’s Equine Assisted Mental Health Group — 12:30-2 p.m. Wednesdays. Hosted by StableStrides for men looking for an active and solution-oriented therapy to manage symptoms of PTSD, depression or anxiety. Call for information: 719-495-3908.
The Southern Colorado Retiree Assistance Council Meeting — 11 a.m. second Wednesdays, The Hub, Peterson Space Force Base. Open to all military retirees and surviving spouses; 719-556-7153.
Pikes Peak Veterans Council Meeting — Doors open at 6 p.m., meeting at 6:30 p.m., last Wednesdays of the month, DAV No. 26 Building, 6880 Palmer Park Blvd. All veteran organization welcome, open to the public; Kathy Hanner, 719-651-6967, kathy.a.hanner@gmail.com.
The National Museum of World War II Aviation tours — 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesdays-Sundays, 755 Aviation Way, $11-$17, free for WWII Veterans. Tickets: worldwariiaviation.org.
Pikes Peak Detachment of the Marine Corps League Meeting — 8 a.m. breakfast, meeting starts at 9 a.m., third Saturday, DAV Chapter 26, 6880 Palmer Park Blvd., $10 for breakfast; pikespeakmcl.org.
Dutch Nelsen Chapter of the Korean War Veterans Association — 11:30 a.m., with lunch at noon, third Saturdays, Elks Lodge, 3400 N. Nevada Ave. Open to all who served in Korea 1945 to present; Mike Thomason, 719-214-6121.
Women’s Army United, Chapter 75 Meeting — 10 a.m. fourth Saturdays, Sand Creek Police Dept., 950 Academy Park Loop. All women veterans are invited to attend; Cindy, 719-660-3641.
DAV Chapter 26 Bingo — Doors open at 4:30 p.m., bingo at 6:30 p.m., Sundays, 6880 Palmer Park Blvd., 12 or older; dav26co.org.
Want to get the word out about your military or veterans event? Email carlotta.olson@gazette.com with details.