Contact event organizers with any questions, including costs, age limits, and COVID precautions and vaccination requirements for in-person events.
Shari Ulrich: Award winning musician performs at Bez Arts Hub, 20232 64th Ave., at 8 p.m. on May 6, accompanied by keyboardist Cindy Fairbank. Tickets and info: www.bezartshub.com.
Scotch broom clipping: volunteers can help remove Scotch broom, an invasive plan in the Derby Reach area at an event on May 7 hosted by the Derby Reach Brae Island Parks Association. Info: www.drbipa.org/volunteer.
Youth Week Festival: Event is noon to 4 p.m. on May 7 at Douglas Park and includes swag bags, cultural activities, barbecue, button making, snacks, raffle, crafting, games, prizes, and more. Free. Hosted by Langley City, the Youth Hub, and Encompass Community Services Society.
Art, Faith and Science: panel discussion with musician Carolyn Arends, David Goa, Dr. Jason Byassee, and Dr. Greg Cootsona as part of A Creature Chronicle art installation by Betty Speckman at Swallowfield Farm, 7296 Telegraph Tr. Panel is 10 a.m. to noon on May 7. Admission is by donation. Must book a seat in advance at ccregister@shaw.ca. May 7 theme is Seeing and Believing, reconciling faith and science. Display open Monday to Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursdays are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m. Closed Sundays. Panel talks are Wednesdays and Saturdays. Info: bettyspackman.com.
McHappy Day: Every item sold May 11 at Langley McDonald’s restaurants generates donations that will benefit Foundry Langley, a youth mental health facility, and Ronald McDonald House Charities. Day also features games, digital hearts for $2, $1 spin the wheel contest, $5 McHappy socks for sale, and McHappy Day bracelets and pins.
Advance Care Planning: Free workshop via ZOOM at 10 a.m. on May 12. Learn the five steps involved. Register in advance at https://langleyhospice.ca/event/acp-workshop/
Hub meeting: Langley Seniors in Action monthly meeting allows local seniors to gather virtually, collaborate and network. Open to seniors and those in the senior-serving organizations and businesses. Meetings are third Wednesday of the month at 10 a.m. Info: langleyseniorsinaction.ca/hub/meetings.
Housing navigation: Seniors can receive help accessing SAFER and BC Housing, and obtain information on seniors rental housing options. Wednesdays 1 to 3 p.m. Call 604-530-3020 ext. 306 to book an appointment.
Walking Club: Open to any seniors, the walking club is Wednesdays and Fridays at 10 a.m. Beginner and more advanced groups. Info and registration: Lindaw@lsrs.ca or 604-530-3020 ext. 303.
Rockin’ Red Hats: Langley chapter is accepting new members. Red Hats is a playgroup for active senior women (65-plus) to make new friends and get together with other active senior women for fun and friendship. Aactivities include dinners, theater, walks, cards, craft fairs and more. Call Trish, 604-427-4366.
Hominum Fraser Valley: Informal discussion and support group to help gay, bi-sexual and questioning men with the challenges of being married, separated or single. Meets on the last Monday of every month. Information: Art, 604-477-9553 or aapearson@shaw.ca.
Community Engagement: Langley Community Services Society program for senior immigrants who are permanent residents. Meet people from around the world, learn about topics such as Canadian culture, financial literacy, recipes, gardening and more. Free. In person at LCSS office, 5330 207th St. or online. Info and registration: Joohye Nam, 604-534-7921 ext. 1204 or jnam@lcss.ca.
Volunteers needed: Critter Care Wildlife Society looking for volunteers for various duties (animal capture, transport, painters, builders, gardeners, landscapers, general maintenance and labour. Info: Michelle Binnet, crittercare9@shaw.ca.
Langley Newcomers and Friends: Women’s group meets on the first Tuesday of each month for outings and activities, including movie nights, brunch, lunch, socials, walks and more. Info: langleynewcomers.webs.com.
Meditation: Free session Thursdays 7 to 8 p.m. at the Derek Doubleday Arboretum Rotary Interpretive Centre, 21177 Fraser Hwy. Folding chairs available on site or bring one. Hosted by Melissa Kramer, Low Entropy Foundation. Open to all skill levels and those wanting to learn more. Info: www.lowentropy.org/events.
Singles Social Walking Club: Singles 55+ do walks in Surrey, Langley, etc. Saturdays, Sundays and stat holidays. Walk at 10 a.m. with brunch 11 a.m. Info: sherrysands4@gmail.com or Sherry, 604-531-4427.
Groups are welcome to submit information about upcoming community events in Langley. Click here. Publication is at the discretion of the newspaper, and host groups are responsible for keeping their information up to date.