Join European Public Health Week 2022
16-20 May 2022 – online and across Europe and Central Asia
The 2022 European Public Health Week (EUPHW) will take place from 16-20 May 2022. Every year, WHO/Europe supports the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) with the EUPHW campaign, by promoting the themes, providing key messages and organizing EUPHW-related events.
The theme for this year’s EUPHW is ‘Health throughout the life course’, with each campaign day focusing on a different topic:
- Monday 16 May: A healthy and health-literate youth
- Tuesday 17 May: Vaccination as a key prevention strategy
- Wednesday 18 May: Climate change affects our health
- Thursday 19 May: No health without mental health
- Friday 20 May: Building resilient health systems.
The European Public Health Week (EUPHW) aims to:
- Make the case for public health and a more inclusive society across Europe
- Raise awareness and amplify existing messages on five specific public health themes, in line with key organizations at the European level
- Create trust and innovative means of collaboration among all professionals, contributing to public health at local, national, regional and European levels.
How you can get involved
- You can host an event. Whether you are an institution, a health professional or an ordinary citizen interested in one of this year’s five EUPHW themes, you may organize your own event(s) on one or more days of the week. If you need help setting up your event, please contact: euphacommunications@eupha.org
- You can help share information about the week and its five themes. Use the media toolkit to disseminate public health messaging and promote any EUPHW event – see the link below.
- You can participate in an event. By joining EUPHW events and activities, you are contributing to the success of event hosts! Click the link below to search for your favourite events and mark your calendars.
For more information, see the EUPHW 2022 website at the link below.