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***Denotes a new entry. ——————————————————–
June 14-15 (second day: statement released 1400 EDT/1800 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EDT/1830 GMT)
July 26-27 (second day: statement released 1400 EDT/1800 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EDT/1830 GMT)
September 20-21 (second day: statement released 1400 EDT/1800 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EDT/1830 GMT)
November 1-2 (second day: statement released 1400 EDT/1800 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EDT/1830 GMT)
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December 13-14 (second day: statement released 1400 EST/1900 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EST/1930 GMT)
January 31-February 1, 2023 (second day: statement released 1400 EST/1900 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EST/1930 GMT)
Friday, June 17 ***WASHINGTON – Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell gives welcome remarks before the Inaugural Conference on the International Roles of the U.S. Dollar, 0845 EDT/1245 GMT. Text available. No Q&A. Livestream at www.federalreserve.gov and www.youtube.com/federalreserve. Federal Reserve, Martin Building, 2001 C Street N.W. RSVP: Joe Pavel, joe.pavel@frb.gov or 202 452 6469
Wednesday, June 22
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WASHINGTON – Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell delivers seminannual monetary policy testimony before the Senate Banking Committee. Details TBA. Contact: 202 224 7391 ——————————————————
Monday, June 13 ***WASHINGTON – (VIA PRE-RECORDED VIDEO) Federal Reserve Vice Chair Lael Brainard discusses the Community Reinvestment Act before the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC): Just Economy Conference 2022, 1400 EDT/1800 GMT. Q&A from moderator. No text. Webcast: Pre-recorded video will be made available at www.ncrc.org. Note: The Community Reinvestment Act discussion between Vice Chair Brainard and moderator will be pre-recorded and available on the NCRC website. Contact: Alan Pyke, apyke@ncrc.org or 202 524 4885
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Saturday, June 18 ***DALLAS – Federal Reserve Board Governor Christopher Waller speaks on “Monetary Policy Since the Pandemic” before the Society for Computational Economics 28th Annual Conference: “Computing in Economics and Finance,” 1540 CDT/1640 EDT/2040 GMT. Text available. Q&A from moderator. Livestream at https://www.dallasfed.org/research/events/2022/22panel and https://www.youtube.com/user/dallasfed. George W. Bush Presidential Center Auditorium, 2943 SMU Boulevard. RSVP: James Hoard, james.hoard@dal.frb.org or Preston Ash, preston.ash@dal.frb.org
Wednesday, June 22
CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa – Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago President Charles Evans speaks on current economic conditions and monetary policy before the Corridor Business Journal Mid-Year Economic Review, 1150 CDT/1250 EDT/1650 GMT. No livestream. Audience Q&A expected. Media scrum onsite and via dial-in audio access. Embargoed text available. The Hotel at Kirkwood, 7725 Kirkwood Boulevard SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404. RSVP: Jenni Hatz, jenni@corridorbusiness.com
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PHILADELPHIA – Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia President Patrick Harker (onsite) and Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond President Thomas Barkin (virtual, from Richmond) participate in macroeconomic outlook discussion before the Macroeconomic Policy to Foster Equality: Symposium with the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia and the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum, 1330 EDT/1730 GMT. No Harker text. Barkin text TBD. Audience and media Q&As expected. Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, 10 North Independence Mall West. Information: https://www.philadelphiafed.org/calendar-of-events
Wednesday, June 29
SINTRA, Portugal – Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland President Loretta Mester participates in “Panel 2: The Role of Inflation Expectations in Monetary Policymaking” before the European Central Bank Forum on Central Banking, in Sintra, Portugal, 0630 EDT/1030 GMT (1130 local time) Livestream available. Information: https://www.ecb.europa.eu/pub/conferences/html/20220627_ecb_forum_on_central_banking.en.html
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FOMC meeting minutes:
1400 EDT/1800 GMT
Wednesday, July 6 (for meeting of June 14-15)
Beige Book (Wednesday dates):
1400 EDT/1800 GMT:
July 13, September 7, October 19
1400 EST/1900 GMT:
November 30
Federal Reserve Quarterly Financial Accounts of the United States (Z.1) ***Friday, September 9, at 1200 EDT/1600 GMT
Tuesday, June 28
WASHINGTON – Federal Reserve issues annual benchmark revisions and new seasonal factors to its Industrial Production and Capacity Use data from 1972 through latest release period. Time TBA. Information: https://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/g17/current/default.htm
Federal Reserve Bank of New York president
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Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland president
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston president
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis president
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City president 2023
Federal Reserve Bank of New York president
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago president
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia president
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas president
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis president 2024
Federal Reserve Bank of New York president
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland president
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond president
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta president
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco president
——————————————————— ((To access stories on Fed policy click on. For a diary of top economic events, see)