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Luke Saunders from Kingburger sponsored Ladies’ Day at the Pembroke Golf Club on May 31. Forty-nine ladies played in a modified Stableford format.
A Flight Winners:
1. Katie Collins 30.5 pts
2. Anna Warner 30 pts
3. Benita Brown 29 pts
4. Karen Thompson 28.5 pts
5. Sue Roman 26.5 pts
6. Emma Gibbon 26.5 pts
7. Karen Gallinger 25 pts
B Flight Winners:
1. Sue O’Meara 30 pts
2. Marlie Clouthier 29 pts
3. Ann Whelan 29 pts
4, Carol Langlois 28 pts
5. Marg Krueer 27.5 pts
6. Debby Jurgens 26 pts
7. Karen Renaud 25 pts
8. Diana Gagme 24 pts
C Flight Winners:
1. Sue Mohns 29 pts
2, Katharine Saunders 28 pts
3. Jane Scott 25 pts
4. Sandy Clark 24.5 pts
5. Karen Pleadwell 24 pts
6. Dolores Armstrong 24 pts
7. Taylor Gagne 22 pts
Closest to the Pin: No.3: Ann Whelan
Longest Drive: No.10 Marg Krueger
Birdies: Benita Brown No.15; Jane Scott No.11
Chip-ins: Benita Brown No.16; Jane Scott No.11
Pro Shop Draw Winner: Karen Thompson
50/50 Draw Winner: Emma Gibbon
Men’s Day at the Brae
We had a super turnout of 120 golfers for a two-man scramble at the Island Brae on Tuesday, May 31. Thanks very much to this week’s sponsor, Boston Pizza.
“A” Flight: 1. Darcy McGrath/Joe Chartrand 2. Denis Krueger/Marv Girard 3. Brady Smith/Matt Moncion 4. Gary Lowe/Chris Drew 5. Chris Pleau/Glen Chartrand 6. Marc Andre Tyne/Brad Lapierre
“B” Flight: 1. Danny Belland/Mike Adam 2. James McCluskey/Gilles Moncion 3. Neil Jennings/Charles Hurley 4. Al Corrin/Carlo Pleau 5. Ray Gaudette/Eric Gaudette 6. Kevin Driscoll/Winston Sunstrum
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Skins “A” Flight: No.8 Brad Lapierre/Marc Andre Tyne; No.9 James Buske/John Walsh
Skins “B” Flight: No.3 Matt Savriol/Remick Shaw; No.6 David Brown/Michael Brown 50/50 Winner: Mathieu Levasseur
Submitted by Mike Moyles
Ladies’ Day at the Brae
Island Brae Ladies’ Day results are in for the first week of June. Thanks very much to this week’s sponsor, East Side Mario’s and Sally and Todd Fletcher.
1st Flight: 1. Donna Cotnam 2. Marg Dickerson 3. Judy Bludd
2nd Flight: 1. Charlotte Sunstrum 2. Kathy Bennett 3. Sheila Hanke
3rd Flight: 1. Maureen Stencil 2. Lynn Keon 3. Stacey Robinson
Guest: Pat Hachey
Low Putts: Marg Dickerson
Pro Shop Draw: Stacey Robinson
50/50 Winner: Pat Bennett
Submitted by Mike Moyles