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Belleville Public Library and the Parrott Art Gallery are pleased to announce the return to full operations starting on March 1. We are no longer asking patrons to limit their stay in the building and computer use has been returned to 2-hours per day maximum. Study tables do not require bookings or time limits, and more lounge furniture and computers will be available. Indoor programs and events will return, including children’s storytimes, art workshops, and March Break programming. Room rentals are also available again for community and business groups needing a space to meet or run events. There are no proof-of-vaccine requirements for library access, indoor programs or room rentals. All patrons 3 years of age or older must wear a mask or face shield at all times while in the building. The library is also looking forward to opening on Sunday again from 1-5 pm, starting Sunday March 27. Please see bellevillelibrary.ca for details including hours of operation for the library and gallery.
We are excited to plan for indoor programs and events, including over March Break from March 14-19. The theme is “Unlock your own adventure” and we have some great adventures waiting for your kids. Some highlights are the City Building and Robot Rampage programs on March 16, Top o’ the Morning Crafts and Fun and Games programs for St. Patrick’s Day on March 17, and an exciting live performance by Mystic Drumz on Saturday March 19 at 1:30 p.m. Come join the adventure in world music as they blend multicultural themes and invite the audience to participate. Please see bellevillelibrary.ca/marchbreak to register for these and other programs. Don’t delay as several programs are already full, with wait lists available.
If you have any questions about the Library or Gallery, or would like help finding your next great read, please visit, call us at 613-968-6731 ext. 2035 or email infoserv@bellevillelibrary.ca
Trevor Pross is the CEO of Belleville Public Library and John M. Parrott Art Gallery.