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National Indigenous Peoples Day to be celebrated in Chilliwack with 3 separate events – Chilliwack Progress

National Indigenous Peoples Day to be celebrated in Chilliwack with 3 separate events - Chilliwack Progress

Three upcoming events in Chilliwack will honour National Indigenous Peoples Day.

The day falls on June 21 every year, and this year one event will take place on that day while the other two are scheduled beforehand.

On Friday, June 17, Pacific Community Resources Society is hosting its Indigenous Wellness Reconnection Event at Chilliwack Central Park (45951 Victoria Ave.). The community is welcome to come and reconnect with local services in Chilliwack from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. There will be a free catered food truck there plus activities.

Also on June 17 is the Indigenous Peoples Day Community Event hosted by Wilma’s Transition Society. The event takes place at Sardis Park from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. where there will be live music (5 p.m. to 7 p.m.), face painting, bouncy castles, food trucks, vendors and display booths.

And then on Tuesday, June 21, there will be a celebration at at Sqwa (Skwah) First Nation from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. There will be an ironman competition, coastal jam, vendors, food and special guests. All are welcome and it takes place at 615 Lower Landing Rd. at the west end of Wellington Avenue.

Looking for more events taking place in and around Chilliwack? Check out What’s happening Chilliwack in our community section.


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