The Peterborough Ex is holding the annual homecraft, steer show and rabbit and cavy show this weekend at locations throughout the region.
2021 Ernest Boyles & Sons Ltd Junior Market Lamb Grand Champion Natalie Dunford. Photo courtesy of The Peterborough Ex.
The Steer Show and Sale will be happening at the Vollering farm (295 Douro Fourth Line, Douro Dummer) on Thursday and will feature six animals that will be judged at 6:00 p.m. followed by a BBQ. The award-winning steers will be auctioned off online following the show until August 12.
The Rabbit and Cavy Show will be happening at Kawartha Downs on Friday as part of their Agricultural Fair with judging starting at 3:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday the Annual Homecraft Show will be happening at the Peterborough Morrow Building. See award winning displays and shop with local vendors.
“The Peterborough Ex is continuing to renew and regrow to provide agriculture and food education events for Peterborough area residents,” said Viren D’Souza, President of the Peterborough Ag Society. “These are fun events to get up close and learn about agriculture.”
The Peterborough Agricultural Society is continuing to provide opportunities for people to connect with farming and food through educational events that allow for on-farm experiences and engagement with producers.
The 2022 Peterborough Ex will not feature a midway or rodeo.
More information is available at