Vitality publishes the second Thursday of each month. To have an event published, it must be sent at least three weeks prior to the monthly publication date. To submit information for the calendar, email jgray@medianewsgroup.com.
Crafters wanted: Sept. 17 in the barn at the Loren Andrus Octagon House at 26 Mile & Van Dyke in Washington Twp. All crafters are welcome. Please contact Myra Harrison for information at 586-648-0908. Proceeds are for the benefit of the Friends of the Octagon House, a 501 c 3 museum.
July 14: Booked for the Evening: Reader’s Choice at the Roseville Public Library, 29777 Gratiot Ave, Roseville, Thursday, July 14 at 6:30 p.m. at the library and on Zoom. Zoom Meeting ID: 824 3372 8798. Join us in person or virtually. Bring a book of your choice with you that you would like to talk about for a few minutes. It can be new, new to you, or an old favorite. If you want to talk about it, we want to hear about it! We will also discuss our fall titles at this meeting. For more information, call 586-445-5407 or visit rsvlibraryservice@roseville-mi.gov
July 18: Regency Aesthetics: Bridgerton’s Costumes, Locations and Décor at the Roseville Public Library, 29777 Gratiot Ave, Roseville, Monday, July 18 at 6 p.m. Registration required. Bridgerton is Netflix’s latest hit and the most-watched English language show in the streaming service’s history. Michelle Fitzgerald, curator of the Johns Hopkins University Museums, will talk about the material world of the hit Netflix series and what it might teach us about the real 19th century. Enjoy light refreshments as Michelle joins us via Zoom. You must have a Roseville library card in good standing to register for this program in the first week. For more information, call 586-445-5407 or visit rsvlibraryservice@roseville-mi.gov
July 28: Raising Monarch Butterflies at the Roseville Public Library, 29777 Gratiot Ave, Roseville, Thursday, July 28 at 2 p.m. Registration required. Lori Smith will visit to talk about Monarch butterflies, which she has been raising for nearly a decade. The program will include the life cycle of butterflies, how to raise them, and the native Michigan plants that nourish them. Lori will show how you can help save the Monarch butterfly population by growing the plants they eat and lay their eggs on as well as how to take care of the caterpillars and help them to grow into butterflies. Changing weather patterns have had a profound impact upon the Monarch population. Depending on their health at the time, Lori may be able to bring a few live caterpillars to the Library to give you a close-up look! She will also bring photos and videos of her butterflies, as well as seeds for Common Milkweed & Swamp Milkweed plants, which Monarchs love. For more information, call 586-445-5407 or visit rsvlibraryservice@roseville-mi.gov
Monthly events
• Confident Communicators Club: Meets monthly for people who seek improving public speaking skills and leadership confidence. This supportive Toastmasters group meets online the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month from 8-9:30 a.m. Many of our members have gain skills needed to become a better salesperson, grow their business, get promoted, and engage students. Register for any of our meetings to get the Zoom Link -https://confident-communicators-club-meeting.eventbrite.com. Contact our VP Membership to get more information vpm-1196053@toastmastersclubs.org
• Breakfast Sponsored by Widowed Friends Ministries: Breakfast (3rd Tuesday of each) at 10:30 a.m., Pancake Factory, 13693 23 Mile Rd, NE corner of 23 Mile & Schoenherr, Shelby Twp. Sponsored by Widowed Friends Ministries. Contact Ellen 586-781-5781.
• Bowling held at Collier Bowl: 879 S Lapeer Rd. (M24), Oxford every Tuesday. Arrive at noon for lane assignments. Sponsored by Widowed Friends Ministries. Cost is $7.50 for three games, (shoes extra at $2.50). Lunch afterwards optional. Call Joe at 248-693-2454 or Nadine at 248-475-9036.
• New Baltimore Civic Club: Euchre every Thursday at 36551 Main St. (corner of Blackwell) in New Baltimore. Sign in at 6:30 p.m., play at 7 p.m. $10 plus a quarter for each euchre.
• Octagon House Sit and Stitch is the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month from 1-4 p.m., 57500 Van Dyke, Washington. For more information, call 586-781-0084.
• Breakfast every Wednesday: Sponsored by Widowed Friends Ministries. Join us at 10 a.m. at Cavis Pioneer Restaurant, 5606 Lapeer Rd., Kimball. Call Rita, 810-334-6287 for more information.
• Senior Card Playing: Come and join a fun group of card players who play a wide range of card games. Everyone brings a snack to share while playing. Free. Mondays from 1-4 p.m. at 35248 Cricklewood Blvd. (Cricklewood Recreation Building). Call 586-725-0291.
• Dancing every Tuesday: at Polish Century Club, 33204 Maple Lane, Sterling Heights. Doors open at 6 p.m. Music from 7-10:30 p.m. Cost is $8 per person with a cash bar. A table is reserved for Widowed Friends. Sponsored by Widowed Friends Ministries Contact Kate at 586-344-3886.
• New Baltimore Senior Club: Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This welcoming group of seniors has all sorts of fun. We play bingo, hold luncheons, go on trips, and play cards. Monthly dues, $2. Location 35248 Cricklewood Blvd. (Cricklewood Recreation Building). Call 586-725-0291.
• Zumba Gold: from 10:30-11:30 a.m. every Monday and Wednesday at the Washington Center, 57880 Van Dyke, Washington Twp. Cost depends on how many punches are purchased. 4 punches $23 resident, $29 NR; 11 punches $60 resident, $66 NR. For more information, call 586-752-6543.
• Fish Fry Every Friday: Join us for dinner/music at the American Legion Hall, 1026 6th St., Port Huron. Food served from 4:30-7 p.m. Music goes from 5-8 p.m. Sponsored by Widowed Friends Ministries. Contact Rita, 810-334-6287.
• Cards/Games/Friendship: Ss. John and Paul, (1st Thursday or every month), 1:30-4 p.m. at, 7777 28 Mile Rd. Bring a snack to share and your own beverage. Ss. John and Paul supports the Agape Center, a resource center for the most vulnerable members of society and would appreciate it if you could bring a canned good (vegetable, meat, fruit) when you come to play. (Dinner afterward at Romeo Family Restaurant, 66020 Van Dyke Rd., between 30 & 31 Mile is optional.) Sponsored by Widowed Friends Ministries. Call Ellen, 586-781-5781.
• Men Only Breakfast: Lukich Family Restaurant (1st & 3rd Thursday), 3900 Rochester Rd., Troy, at 9.m. The Widowed Men’s Group invites you to meet with other widowed men for breakfast at either of the Men’s Fellowship locations whichever is more convenient for you. Many topics & ideas help you become involved in the activities of Widowed Friends. Sponsored by Widowed Friends Ministries Contact Ray at 248-585-5402.
• Eastside Movies: (1st Tuesday of each month) at Chesterfield Crossing Digital Cinema 16 (known for free soda & popcorn refills also offers discount matinee pricing) 50675 Gratiot Ave., Chesterfield Twp. Early dinner afterwards TBD. Sponsored by Widowed Friends Ministries. For more information, contact Marion at 586-703-1427
• Metamora – Dinner Club: (3rd Wednesday of the month) at 5 p.m. Join us at The White Horse Inn, 1 E High St., Metamora. Reserved seating. Sponsored by Widowed Friends Ministries. Please RSVP to Sharry 248-840-0063. No walk- ins. Please call if you must cancel your reserved seating.
• Breakfast at Avenue Family Restaurant: 31253 Woodward Ave., Royal Oak, at 9:30 a.m. (2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month). Sponsored by Widowed Friends Ministries.