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Eckhoff and Lesser win pursuit events at Biathlon World Cup in Holmenkollen

Tiril Eckhoff of Norway celebrates the victory with her country's flag during the women's 10km pursuit event at the IBU Biathlon World Cup in Holmenkollen ©Getty Images

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Canada’s Mark Arendz wins gold in men’s standing biathlon event at Beijing Paralympics | CBC Sports

Canada's Mark Arendz wins gold in men's standing biathlon event at Beijing Paralympics | CBC Sports

Canada’s Mark Arendz struck gold in the men’s standing 10-kilometre biathlon race at the Beijing Paralympics on Tuesday in China.

The Hartsville, P.E.I., native crossed the finish line with a time of 31 minutes 45.2 seconds.

Grygorii Vovchynskyi of Ukraine grabbed silver, finishing in 32:18.0, while Kazakhstan’s Alexandr Gerlits claimed bronze in 33:06.5.

The podium finish gives the 32-year-old Arendz his 10th career Paralympic medal, having already won bronze earlier in these Games in the standing biathlon sprint event. It’s also his second career gold.

Arendz was coming off a fourth-place finish in the standing 20km classical technique cross-country event, ending a medal streak that saw him medal in the standing biathlon sprint just days ago, and in all six events he competed in at Pyeongchang 2018.

It was the first time he had missed the podium since the 10km cross-country event at Sochi 2014.

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It’s Too Cold Even for Some Winter Olympic Events, Forcing Rescheduling

It's Too Cold Even for Some Winter Olympic Events, Forcing Rescheduling

The four-man biathlon relay race scheduled for 5 p.m. Tuesday has been moved to 2:30 p.m. due to exceptionally cold temperatures at the Zhangjiakou National Biathlon Stadium.

During the relay biathletes ski three laps and shoot twice, meaning they will spend about 20 to 30 minutes out in the cold on the track — in addition to the time they spend waiting for their turn. They also risk frostbite on their hands, since their trigger fingers are exposed while shooting.

At 11 a.m., the temperature at the stadium was 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit and was expected to drop to minus 4 degrees Fahrenheit by 6 p.m. That means the racers would face dangerous conditions.

Those were air temperatures and did not take into consideration the wind, which was blowing at almost 5 mph. The wind chill makes the actual temperature feel closer to minus 22 degrees Fahrenheit.