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Rambo actors to take part in Hope’s First Blood 40th anniversary event – Chilliwack Progress

Rambo actors to take part in Hope’s First Blood 40th anniversary event - Chilliwack Progress

Patrick Stack and Stephen Chang will be coming to Hope this fall for the 40th anniversary celebration of Rambo: First Blood.

Events will be held over the Canadian Thanksgiving long weekend, Oct. 7-10.

Both Stack and Chang acted in the film.

Stack played the role of Clinton Morgan, a lieutenant in the U.S. National Guard who leads a group of men in search of Rambo after he escapes police custody.

His character is one every fan talks about because of his humour and the bumbling comedy he brings to his scene in the movie,” said Brian McKinney, one of the organizers of Hope’s Rambo celebration. “He’s just as fun to talk to in person and the fans are going to love him.”

Stick is also known for roles on hit 1980s TV shows like Simon and Simon, Dynasty, Hardcastle and McCormick, The Greatest American Hero and Cheers.

“When we contacted him he was like, ‘You know what Brian? This sounds like a blast,’” McKinney said. “Patrick and his wife Louise are coming and we’ve convinced them to stay the entire weekend, arriving in town on Friday afternoon and leaving Monday.”

Chang played the role of a Viet Cong commander in a flashback scene where he is shown torturing Rambo, dragging a bayonet rifle blade across his chest.

Though his role in Rambo is brief, the Kung-Fu Grandmaster has a following among Rambo fans.

The family of Brian Dennehy is also making the trip to Hope.

While details are still being finalized, McKinney said at least two of his daughters and their husbands, plus one of his grandsons, will be here. The grandson, William, is an award-winning documentary filmmaker who plans to produce a film on the 40th anniversary.

“William has already flown to Toronto to speak with Ted Kotcheff, who directed Rambo: First Blood,” McKinney noted.

While Stack and Chang both played the roles of Rambo antagonists, no one was more opposed to the title character than Dennehy’s Will Teasle, the sheriff of the fictional town of Hope, WA.

Teasle was vindictive and prone to abusing his power, and when he decided that the scruffy-looking Vietnam vet didn’t belong in his town, he went too far. Teasle allowed police officers under his command to push Rambo to a breaking point, and chaos followed.

Dennehy died in 2020 at the age of 81.


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Corticosteroid exposure associated with hospitalization for severe pain event among patients with sickle cell disease

Corticosteroid exposure associated with hospitalization for severe pain event among patients with sickle cell disease

People with sickle cell disease (SCD) who were recently prescribed a corticosteroid – a medicine frequently used to treat asthma or inflammation – were found to be significantly more likely to be hospitalized for a severe pain event, according to a paper published today in the journal Blood. The research also found that older adults, women, and people who were not taking the drug hydroxyurea to manage their underlying SCD symptoms were the most likely to be hospitalized.

SCD is the most common inherited red blood cell disorder in the United States, affecting an estimated 100,000 people. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), SCD affects one out of every 365 Black or African American births and one out of every 16,300 Hispanic American births. Pain events, also known as vaso-occlusive episodes (VOE), are the most common complications of SCD and can result in intense pain and potentially irreversible organ damage.

Apart from case reports, researchers say this is the first study to systematically evaluate the association between corticosteroid exposure and hospitalization for VOE.

Individuals living with SCD often suffer crippling episodes of pain, which can greatly impair their quality of life. Based on our data, corticosteroids are commonly prescribed for conditions unrelated to their underlying SCD. Vaso-occlusive events and related hospitalization appear to follow corticosteroid prescription fairly quickly. This evidence suggests corticosteroids may be contributing to the events and should be avoided as much as possible in these patients.”

Ondine Walter, MD, Study Author, Toulouse University Hospital in France

Notably, the median time between filling a prescription for a corticosteroid and hospitalization was just five days. Also striking was the fact that nearly half (46%) of patients with SCD had been prescribed at least one systemic corticosteroid during the study period. Dr. Walter said the results underscore the need for widespread education of clinicians and patients alike about the potential risks of using corticosteroids, especially when there isn’t a clear indication to use them.

“Corticosteroids are mostly easy to avoid, and in circumstances when they are necessary, it’s important to start them in collaboration with an SCD expert and to take all appropriate precautionary measures to administer them safely,” said Dr. Walter.

The study used data from a total of 5,151 patients with SCD drawn from the French National Health Insurance Database between 2010 and 2018. Patients had to have at least one hospitalization for VOE to be included, and corticosteroid exposure was identified using outpatient prescribing records.

The study found that those who had exposure to a corticosteroid – defined in the month leading up to the event – were significantly more likely to be hospitalized for VOE. People who were also taking hydroxyurea seem to have less risk of hospitalization compared with those not taking the drug, which may signal a potential protective effect of hydroxyurea on the occurrence of VOE, Dr. Walter explained. Hydroxyurea is often prescribed to reduce the number of pain events caused by SCD as well as the need for blood transfusions. The risk of admission was also lower in men compared to women and in children compared to adults.

“Some factors such as hydroxyurea use, male gender, and younger age were associated with a lower risk of hospitalization for VOE after corticosteroid exposure in our study. Still, based on these results, we still need to think twice about using corticosteroids when treating patients with SCD,” said Dr. Walter.

This study is limited in that it can only show an association between corticosteroids and VOE-related hospitalizations and not prove causation. Because corticosteroid exposure was based on dispensing data, it is also not possible to confirm that patients took the medicine, only that the prescription was filled.

With future research, investigators aim to understand how corticosteroids may prompt VOE. Studies have shown that the cessation of corticosteroids, in particular, has been associated with rebound pain. ASH’s Clinical Practice Guidelines on SCD recommend against using corticosteroids for acute pain management in patients with SCD. This study adds important data about the association of corticosteroid use with subsequent VOE to a growing body of evidence that suggests corticosteroids should be used only when needed, and under the guidance of an SCD expert.


Journal reference:

Walter, O., et al. (2022) Risk of vaso-occlusive episode after exposure to corticosteroids in patients with sickle cell disease. Blood.

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Leakage after left atrial appendage occlusion associated with higher risk of adverse events

Leakage after left atrial appendage occlusion associated with higher risk of adverse events

Patients who had leakage to the left atrial appendage due to incomplete device sealing after left atrial appendage occlusion (LAAO) experienced more clotting and bleeding events within a year following their procedure compared with patients who had no leaking, according to a study presented at the American College of Cardiology’s 71st Annual Scientific Session.

The study, which included data from more than 50,000 patients, is by far the largest to date to assess how leaking after LAAO affects the likelihood of adverse health outcomes. The results suggest that even small leaks are associated with a 10%-15% higher risk of adverse events.

Our study shows that any leak matters, and we should find ways to optimize the procedure to minimize the proportion of patients who end up with leaks. Because this is a preventative procedure, it is important to find ways to master this and prevent leaks from happening. Fortunately, there are indications that leaking might be less common with newer devices and improved techniques.”

Mohamad Alkhouli, MD, professor of medicine at Mayo Clinic and study’s lead author

Stroke is a major concern in patients with atrial fibrillation (AFib), the most common heart rhythm disorder. Blood thinners are the primary medical option for reducing the risk of strokes, which are caused when a blood clot blocks an artery in the brain; however, blood thinners are not suitable for many patients due to drug interactions, bleeding complications, cost, frequent blood checks with warfarin or other reasons. The WATCHMAN device, approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2015, is designed to help prevent strokes by sealing off the heart’s left atrial appendage where blood can pool and clot. It is now widely used to reduce the risk of stroke in patients with AFib who cannot tolerate long-term use of blood thinners.

For the study, researchers analyzed data from 51,333 patients who underwent LAAO procedures with the WATCHMAN device between 2016-2019 as recorded in the ACC’s LAAO Registry, a database that includes nearly all LAAO procedures conducted in the U.S. and is part of the College’s NCDR registries. Echocardiograms were used to classify the size of any leaks around the device an average of 45 days after a LAAO procedure, a standard part of the clinical follow-up for this procedure. Registry data also included information about subsequent adverse health events occurring in the years after the procedure.

Overall, researchers found that 73.4% of patients had no leaks, 25.8% had small leaks (greater than zero but less than 5 millimeters across) and 0.7% had large leaks (greater than 5 millimeters)—proportions similar to those reported in previous registry studies and clinical trials.

While relatively few patients—roughly 2%-3%—experienced adverse events in the year following their LAAO procedure, the researchers found that the relative risk of these events varied significantly between patients with and without leaks. Compared to patients who had no leaking, those with small leaks had a 10% higher relative risk of suffering any major adverse events, an 11% higher relative risk of major bleeding complications, and a 15% higher relative risk of clotting-related events, including stroke, systemic embolization and transient ischemic attacks.

The study revealed no significant differences in the rate of adverse events between patients with large leaks and those with small or no leaks, which Alkhouli said is likely due to the use of anticoagulants in these patients. Instructions for the WATCHMAN device indicate that patients who have residual leaks greater than 5 millimeters across should be considered to have a failed procedure, and they are generally treated with anticoagulants.

Alkhouli said leaking is relatively common with LAAO procedures because the size and shape of the left atrial appendage varies widely from person to person, which can make it difficult for operators to position the device in a way that completely seals off the appendage. He noted that the shape of the appendage portion where the leaked blood flows into could affect the associated risks. More recent technologies, such as the use of CT scans to image the appendage and software that allows users to practice the procedure virtually before operating on a patient, could help operators place the WATCHMAN device in a more optimal position. Alkhouli said newer generation WATCHMAN device designs, which were introduced in 2021, could also help to reduce the risk in some patients.

The study was based on registry data reflecting real-world practices, meaning variations in the measurement of leaks could exist and may impact the results of the study, Alkhouli said. He added that future studies could help clarify whether using blood thinners in some patients with leaks smaller than 5 millimeters would be helpful in reducing stroke risk.

This study was simultaneously published online in the JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology at the time of presentation. The study was funded by Boston Scientific, maker of the WATCHMAN device.

Alkhouli will present the study, “Residual Leaks Post Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion,” on Sunday, April 3, at 12:15 p.m. ET / 16:15 UTC in the Main Tent, Hall D.

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Naperville News Digest: Park district releases dates of golf tourney events; Will County holding three recycling events; blood drive to honor two men killed in concert surge

Naperville News Digest: Park district releases dates of golf tourney events; Will County holding three recycling events; blood drive to honor two men killed in concert surge

Naperville News Digest: Park district releases dates of golf tourney events; Will County holding three recycling events; blood drive to honor two men killed in concert surge  Chicago Tribune

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Reduced kidney function caused by antithrombotic therapy can influence bleeding events

Reduced kidney function caused by antithrombotic therapy can influence bleeding events

Antithrombotic therapy is prescribed to prevent thrombotic (blood clotting inside a blood vessel) events but the treatment also increases the likelihood of experiencing a bleeding event, which can be extremely serious if it occurs in a vital organ. Aging societies tend to have an increased number of patients undergoing antithrombotic therapy, and the drugs used in this treatment can affect kidney function. In particular, reduced kidney function caused by antithrombotic medications can significantly influence bleeding events. It is highly recommended that patients, especially those with decreased kidney function, have a detailed discussion with their doctor about the possible risks and benefits of proceeding with antithrombotic therapy.

Patients with heart arrythmia (atrial fibrillation) have a high risk for thrombotic events in blood vessels that could lead to permanent organ damage-;such as cerebral infarction-;and are prescribed antithrombotic therapy to lower their risk of developing blood clots. However, the risk of bleeding events simultaneously increases due to the nature of these medications. The severity of these bleeding events is highly variable, ranging from epistaxis (nosebleeds) to fatal brain hemorrhage.

While kidney function is known to be related to bleeding event risk, researchers at Kumamoto, Miyazaki, and Tohoku Universities in Japan conducted a post-hoc subgroup analysis of the Atrial Fibrillation and Ischemic Events with Rivaroxaban in Patients with Stable Coronary Artery Disease (AFIRE) trial to determine the impact of kidney function on the risk of recurrent bleeding events during antithrombotic therapy. Their analysis revealed that the effect of kidney function on recurrent bleeding risk events was quite large for patients undergoing this treatment. They also found that the bleeding risk decreased with time for patients with healthy kidney function but remained high for patients with decreased kidney function. Clearly, the decision to use such a therapy should be balanced between the expected antithrombotic effects and bleeding risks.

In most cases, it is considered better to continue antithrombotic therapies even after bleeding events as long as the event was not severe. However, it is not surprising that both patients and physicians hesitate to continue the therapy after any bleeding event. To assess for drug safety and efficacy, these drugs are usually measured by the numbers of bleeding and thrombotic events. Unfortunately, in the assessment of antithrombotic therapy, most studies only consider the first event in their analyses even though patients could experience multiple events throughout their lifetime. This study revealed that the impact of kidney function on bleeding risk during antithrombotic therapy is larger than estimated in previous studies. Furthermore, patients with healthy kidney function appear to have a decreased risk of experiencing a bleeding event over time, but the risk for patients with reduced kidney function remains high as time continues.

A detailed discussion between patients and physicians based on all current scientific evidence about the risks and benefits of antithrombotic therapy is highly recommended. Our analysis should be quite useful in facilitating this type of discussion.”

Dr. Kunihiko Matsui, Study Leader, Kumamoto University Hospital’s Department of General Medicine and Primary Care


Journal reference:

Matsui, K., et al. (2022) The impact of kidney function in patients on antithrombotic therapy: a post hoc subgroup analysis focusing on recurrent bleeding events from the AFIRE trial. BMC Medicine.

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People with elevated blood pressure upon standing more likely to have risk for cardiovascular events

People with elevated blood pressure upon standing more likely to have risk for cardiovascular events

Among young and middle-aged adults with high blood pressure, a substantial rise in blood pressure upon standing may identify those with a higher risk of serious cardiovascular events, such as heart attack and stroke, according to new research published today in the American Heart Association’s peer-reviewed journal Hypertension.

This finding may warrant starting blood-pressure-lowering treatment including medicines earlier in patients with exaggerated blood pressure response to standing.”

Paolo Palatini, M.D., lead author of the study and professor of internal medicine at the University of Padova in Padova, Italy

Nearly half of Americans and about 40% of people worldwide have high blood pressure, considered to be the world’s leading preventable cause of death. According to the American Heart Association’s 2022 heart disease statistics, people with hypertension in mid-life are five times more likely to have impaired cognitive function and twice as likely to experience reduced executive function, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Typically, systolic (top number) blood pressure falls slightly upon standing up. In this study, researchers assessed whether the opposite response – a significant rise in systolic blood pressure upon standing – is a risk factor for heart attack and other serious cardiovascular events.

The investigators evaluated 1,207 people who were part of the HARVEST study, a prospective study that began in Italy in 1990 and included adults ages 18-45 years old with untreated stage 1 hypertension. Stage 1 hypertension was defined as systolic blood pressure of 140-159 mm Hg and/or diastolic BP 90-100 mm Hg. None had taken blood pressure-lowering medication prior to the study, and all were initially estimated at low risk for major cardiovascular events based on their lifestyle and medical history (no diabetes, renal impairment or other cardiovascular diseases). At enrollment, participants were an average age of 33 years, 72% were men, and all were white.

At enrollment, six blood pressure measurements for each participant were taken in various physical positions, including when lying down and after standing up. The 120 participants with the highest rise (top 10%) in blood pressure upon standing averaged an 11.4 mm Hg increase; all increases in this group were greater than 6.5 mm Hg. The remaining participants averaged a 3.8 mm Hg fall in systolic blood pressure upon standing.

The researchers compared heart disease risk factors, laboratory measures and the occurrence of major cardiovascular events (heart attack, heart-related chest pain, stroke, aneurysm of the aortic artery, clogged peripheral arteries) and chronic kidney disease among participants in the two groups. In some analyses, the development of atrial fibrillation, an arrhythmia that is a major risk factor for stroke, was also noted. Results were adjusted for age, gender, parental history of heart disease, and several lifestyle factors and measurements taken during study enrollment.

During an average 17-year follow-up 105 major cardiovascular events occurred. The most common were heart attack, heart-related chest pain and stroke.

People in the group with top 10% rise in blood pressure:

  • were almost twice as likely as other participants to experience a major cardiovascular event;
  • did not generally have a higher risk profile for cardiovascular events during their initial evaluation (outside of the exaggerated blood pressure response to standing);
  • were more likely to be smokers (32.1% vs. 19.9% in the non-rising group), yet physical activity levels were comparable, and they were not more likely to be overweight or obese, and no more likely to have a family history of cardiovascular events;
  • had more favorable cholesterol levels (lower total cholesterol and higher high-density-lipoprotein cholesterol);
  • had lower systolic blood pressure when lying down than the other group (140.5 mm Hg vs. 146.0 mm Hg, respectively), yet blood pressure measures were higher when taken over 24 hours.

After adjusting for average blood pressure taken over 24 hours, an exaggerated blood pressure response to standing remained an independent predictor of adverse heart events or stroke.

“The results of the study confirmed our initial hypothesis – a pronounced increase in blood pressure from lying to standing could be prognostically important in young people with high blood pressure. We were rather surprised that even a relatively small increase in standing blood pressure (6-7 mm Hg) was predictive of major cardiac events in the long run,” said Palatini.

In a subset of 630 participants who had stress hormones measured from 24-hour urine samples, the epinephrine/creatinine ratio was higher in the people with a rise in standing blood pressure compared to those whose standing blood pressure did not rise (118.4 nmol/mol vs. 77.0 nmol/mol, respectively).

“Epinephrine levels are an estimate of the global effect of stressful stimuli over the 24 hours. This suggests that those with the highest blood pressure when standing may have an increased sympathetic response [the fight-or-flight response] to stressors,” said Palatini. “Overall, this causes an increase in average blood pressure.”

“The findings suggest that blood pressure upon standing should be measured in order to tailor treatment for patients with high blood pressure, and potentially, a more aggressive approach to lifestyle changes and blood-pressure-lowering therapy may be considered for people with an elevated [hyperreactor] blood pressure response to standing,” he said.

Results from this study may not be generalizable to people from other ethnic or racial groups since all study participants reported white race/ethnicity. In addition, there were not enough women in the sample to analyze whether the association between rising standing blood pressure and adverse heart events was different among men and women. Because of the relatively small number of major adverse cardiac events in this sample of young people, the results need to be confirmed in larger studies.


Journal reference:

Palatini, P., et al. (2022) Blood Pressure Hyperreactivity to Standing: a Predictor of Adverse Outcome in Young Hypertensive Patients. Hypertension.

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MUN Blood Donation Event

MUN Blood Donation Event

Wednesday, March 16, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

Bruneau Centre atrium

Your blood donation matters: It matters to every patient across Canada. Because it’s something we can do today to others wake up healthier tomorrow.

What: Donate Blood

Where: Memorial University, Bruneau Building Atrium.


Wednesday, March 16 (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.)

Thursday, March 17 ( 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.)

How: Personals attendance, feeling healthy, drinking plenty fluids, and spreading the word to others.

Prize: Saving someone’s life.



Presented by Canadian Blood Services

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Study provides new understanding of the earliest molecular events in Type 1 Diabetes pathogenesis

Study provides new understanding of the earliest molecular events in Type 1 Diabetes pathogenesis

For the first time, researchers have revealed that during the development of Type 1 Diabetes (T1D), when insulin-producing cells in the pancreas are under attack from T lymphocytes, the cells lining the pancreatic duct reprogram themselves in an attempt to suppress autoimmune T cell responses. This study is published today in Nature Metabolism.

The first events that occur in a patient heading towards Type 1 Diabetes, the events that trigger autoimmunity, have been difficult for researchers to pin down because of our inability to biopsy the pancreas, and the fact that clinical diagnosis is only made once massive beta cell destruction has occurred. That is why it is so important to develop a better understanding of the earliest molecular events in T1D pathogenesis, so we can uncover more about biomarker identification and disease prevention.”

Golnaz Vahedi, PhD, senior author, associate professor of Genetics and member of the Institute for Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

Autoimmune diseases, which affect as many as 23.5 million Americans, occur when the body’s immune system attacks and destroys healthy organs, tissues and cells. There are more than 80 types of autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and T1D. In T1D, immune cells called T lymphocytes attack and destroy insulin-secreting pancreatic beta cells and the pancreas stops producing insulin, the hormone that controls blood sugar levels.

“Although it might be an ultimately unsuccessful attempt of the pancreas to limit the adaptive T cell response responsible for destroying beta cells, this finding that the ductal cells are capable of playing this suppressive role towards autoimmune T cell responses is unprecedented,” said co-senior author Klaus Kaestner, PhD, the Thomas and Evelyn Suor Butterworth Professor in Genetics. “Our study shows that these cells, which had never previously been linked to immunity, may change themselves to protect the pancreas.”

Established in 2016, the Human Pancreas Analysis Program (HPAP) is supported by a $28 million grant from the National Institutes of Health with major contributions from Penn, the University of Florida and Vanderbilt University. The HPAP, which is co-directed by Kaestner and Ali Naji MD, PhD, the J. William White Professor of Surgical Research, started collecting pancreatic tissues from hundreds of deceased organ donors diagnosed with T1D. Because many T1D patients harbor beta cell autoantibodies called Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase (GAD) in their bloodstream years before clinical diagnosis, HPAP also collects samples from autoantibody-positive donors, who are at risk for developing T1D but have not received that diagnosis.

“Our study took those quality tissue samples and created high-resolution measurements of millions of cells from patients at various stages of T1D progression, resulting in a single-cell atlas of pancreatic islets,” said co-senior author R. Babak Faryabi, PhD, an assistant professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and a core member of Epigenetics Institute at Penn.

Blood tests to check for levels of GAD are common for patients with, or at risk for, T1D, and doctors use it as a diagnostic tool. Another finding of this study is the new understanding of what is happening on a molecular level in the pancreas and how it correlates to the findings of the GAD test.

“Our study is the first to show that even when a person is not clinically considered to have T1D, high levels detected in their GAD test indicate large-scale transcriptional remodeling of their beta cells,” said Naji, a study co-senior author. “It solidifies to clinicians to closely monitor patients with increasing levels of GAD, as we now know what cellular and molecular changes are in motion in relation to those levels.”

Although researchers do not yet know whether these transcriptional changes are contributing to or are consequences of disease pathogenesis, the discovery of molecular phenotypic changes in pancreatic cells of autoantibody-positive individuals advances the understanding of early pancreatic changes occurring in T1D, and sets the course for continued research in this area.


Journal reference:

Fasolino, M., et al. (2022) Single-cell multi-omics analysis of human pancreatic islets reveals novel cellular states in type 1 diabetes. Nature Metabolism.