An application to have the East Cliff Bandstand listed as an Asset of Community Value (ACV) has been submitted by The Ramsgate Society.
The Grade II listed bandstand on Wellington Crescent, at the top of Plains of Waterloo, was built in 1939 and its listing includes the dance floor, steps and boundary wall with railing.
More than a decade ago the bandstand was refurbished and had coloured lights and a sound system installed. But it has been several years since the equipment was used following some issues over antisocial behaviour.
There has now been a flurry of activity aimed at bringing the bandstand back into use.
John Walker, from The Ramsgate Society, said: “I had been thinking about the bandstand for a while as it is a bit of a mess and has become overgrown.
“The Ramsgate Society, Ramsgate Town Council and an East Cliff residents group have got together to try and work out a plan to revive it.
“We think it could be turned into an asset for the community so the first thing is to get it listed as an ACV so it is recognised as something the community wants to keep.
“Then maybe it could be transferred to the town council, I can only imagine it is a liability for Thanet council. It could be a good project but needs people to be involved.”

Ramsgate Town Council discussed reviving the bandstand as part of proposals to improve stretches of the town, particularly the west and east cliff areas, and possibly take on responsibility for some of the assets.
The proposal was put forward at a meeting during the week by councillors Helen Crittenden and Corinna Huxley.
As part of that there is to be a focus on the East Cliff bandstand with agreement that the town council will use miscellaneous funds of between £800-£1,000 for engineers to check the condition of light and sound equipment and estimate a cost to get it running again.

Cllr Crittenden said: “Corinna and I are really concerned, particularly in East Cliff, about the lack of maintenance in the gardens and public spaces (those not looked after by volunteer groups) and are looking to see how RTC could take over areas from TDC. The idea is to coordinate with the many volunteer groups in a way where we can support them and fill in the gaps between their work.
“The Ramsgate Society has put in the ACV request. Thanet council do not, and will not, have the money needed so the idea is to get responsibility under RTC. It is about finding a way for the bandstand to be brought back into use, working with The Ramsgate Society and other groups – we are due to meet with the Let’s Save Ramsgate Bandstand group in the next couple of weeks.”

Ideas include an attractive light display once more, possibly screening so the area can be used but protected from coastal winds, repairing the dance floor area. having concerts/bands and performances from local groups.
Cllr David Green said some £12,000 was spent on the lighting and sound equipment via funding from his wife Liz in her previous role as a councillor around 10 years ago.
He added: “For a small amount of money this could be a really exciting project.”
Find Let’s Save Ramsgate Bandstand and Make it Something Magical on facebook