For many fans of the franchise, it was a relatively dark day when Fallout 76 was released. It was the most drastic change made to the post-apocalyptic mega-series for more than a decade, introducing an online-only MMORPG platform to the line-up. This was a title that suffered heavily at launch and has battled onwards ever since, with Bethesda Game Studios unwilling to give up on the game.
Since 2018, when Fallout 76 was released, one thing that has been relatively consistent in the game is the constant addition of world events. From the most meaningless to the impactful endgame events, there is a considerably large list of world events for players to enjoy. While some of these events are seasonal and others are taken in and out of the rotation for no real reason, they’re all unique in their own way.
10 Enemy Horde
First introduced when the game launched, the Enemy Horde world event is one of the best for three main reasons. Firstly, the nature of the event offers players a guaranteed Legendary kill, as well as an event ticked off the inevitable assortment of ‘daily challenges’. Furthermore, it can often bring to the table more than a dozen enemies, depending on what type of enemy the horde actually is.
As players can imagine, this is a boon for any MMORPG player, as it ensures a sizable boost of XP and loot gains within a very short window. If players are logging in and the first thing they do is hit up an Enemy Horde world event, they could be ticking off several challenges in one sweep.
9 Back on the Beat
Back on the Beat is an adorable yet intense Fallout 76 world event that sees the player protect a friendly robot as he checks safe rooms around a town. It’s your typical escort mission, but instead of an irritating, weak character, players are protecting Steelheart, a cop-themed, determined, and downright cute robot that just wants to remain helpful.
For newcomers to Fallout 76, this is an easy world event that yields high rewards, including caps, XP, and most importantly, loot. There’s a need to lay waste to more than two dozen ghouls over the course of the event, and it’s one of the easiest ways to get the lay of the land in Morgantown.
8 Breach and Clear
Located in the smoldering Ash Heap region of Appalachia, Breach and Clear is a brilliant world event for any vault dweller seeking crafting components. In Breach and Clear, a mining machine surfaces, opening up its stash of ores and crafting supplies for plucky players. However, there’s a catch – to secure the payload, players will need to do battle against waves of Mole Miners.
This is a world event that is suitable for relatively new players, and there’s a veritable feast of loot to be collected. As there are many Mole Miners to fight, there are plenty of weapons and items to pick up, as well as the dozens of items that you’ll secure from the mining machine.
7 Uranium Fever
If there was ever a better event for getting aggressive with Mole Miners, we don’t know what it is. In Uranium Fever, located in the Blackwater Mine, players must protect uranium harvesters from bloodthirsty Mole Miners. By starting these harvesters, players are ringing the dinner bell for what can sometimes add up to be hundreds of Mole Miners, which proceed to spawn in over the course of the event.
It’s a brilliant event for ‘farming’, as players will quite literally end up killing dozens of Mole Miners before the event is up. As an added bonus, many of these Mole Miners will be Legendary enemies, which is always appreciated in a Fallout 76 world event.
6 Fasnacht Day
Fasnacht Day is an iconic staple in the world of Fallout 76, despite being a seasonal world event. It was first introduced in the Wild Appalachia update that aired in 2019, and since then, the seasonal event has surfaced at least twice a year. It’s a charming and enjoyable event that has a heavy focus on collaboration amongst the community, which is a real winning point for the players.
On Fasnacht Day, players must complete a string of tasks before the Fasnacht Day parade can kick off, with bots enjoying a stroll around the settlement of Helvetia. It’s a superb world event for collectors, as there are several Fasnacht masks to collect that drop randomly at the end of the event.
5 A Colossal Problem
It can be argued that A Colossal Problem is perhaps the most terrifying world event in Fallout 76. Not only is it situated in the deep, dank darkness of the Monongah Mine, but it’s considered an ‘endgame’ world event, with players needing to fight one of the toughest bosses in the entire game. Did we mention that this boss is an incredibly strong and resilient wendigo, standing around twenty feet tall and boasting three heads?
There’s an intense fight to be had as part of this event, which was introduced in June 2020 as part of The Legendary Run update. It doesn’t end there, though, as there are also dozens of glowing, acidic wendigos charging around, making your life hell. However, all these high-tier creatures make for fantastic XP gains and valuable looting opportunities.
4 Invaders from Beyond
Almost five years after the game launched, Bethesda Game Studios finally included an alien presence in Fallout 76. At the heart of the Invaders from Beyond update (released in 2022), this event of the same name sees every player on the server fight against an overwhelming alien invasion. At the time of its release, it was one of the most impressive, ambitious world events ever seen in Fallout 76.
While the event was live, the entire environment would change, an alien mothership would hover in the skies, and aliens would beam down by the dozen. It was a phenomenal event for the Fallout 76 fans who had been awaiting the addition of alien content for so long, even if it was relatively short-lived.
Test Your Metal was introduced in June 2022, coming in as the focal point of an update with the same name. This was one of the first world events designed by Double Eleven, a development studio that Bethesda hired to create more content exclusively for Fallout 76. It was also one of the most exciting world events to ever be added to the game, introducing a whole new area to the map.
In Test Your Metal, players are thrown into a gladiator area, charged with protecting ‘Brotherhood of Steel’ warriors. There’s a twist here, as the warriors aren’t fighting other human enemies, but a range of death-dealing robots. It’s a remarkably fun event that boasts collaborative efforts, more risk than players are used to, and great rewards.
2 Scorched Earth
Scorched Earth is and always will be the original endgame world event in Fallout 76. Once the player has completed what can be classed as the main questline, they can launch nukes – and a nuke directed at the bottom right-hand side of the map will kick off Scorched Earth. It’s a legendary event in Fallout 76, and it has been a fan favorite since the game first launched.
There are few world events in Fallout 76 with more diversity than Scorched Earth. In this event, players can quite literally fight anything, as the ‘Scorchbeast Queen’, statistically the toughest enemy in the game, can spawn any creature as a mob. Where the event takes place, multiple high-tier Legendary enemies can spawn, and the Queen often drops extremely valuable loot.
1 Radiation Rumble
‘Rad Rumble’ is easily the best Fallout 76 world event for the sheer value of the XP gains alone. If a player goes into Rad Rumble with as many XP-boosting buffs as possible, they will level up numerous times before the event is over. Not only that, but they’ll secure dozens if not hundreds of kills, and more loot than they could even carry without becoming extremely over-encumbered.
This world event was introduced in the Wastelanders update in 2020, and it sees players spend ten minutes defending a team of scientists as they work in an underground facility. It’s a genuinely challenging, intense world event that requires slick teamwork – and often, you’ll have a packed room rocked by gunfire as many players get involved at the same time.
Fallout 76 is available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.