Return of kokanee salmon

Photo: RDCO
It’s spawning season for Kokanee salmon.
Hardy Falls Regional Park is hosting a free event “Welcome the Kokanee,”on Aug. 27 from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Regional District of Central Okanagan park interpreters will be on site with displays and information about the life cycle of the Kokanee salmon.
Representatives from GoFishBC and WildSafeBC Central Okanagan will also be there to meet and answer any questions.
There will be a guided walk along Deep Creek, as the fresh-water cousins of the sockeye return to spawn.
You can also check out the Kokanee Salmon Festival on Sept. 10 at Mission Creek Regional Park between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.
The festival includes guided walks with interpreters along the spawning channel, where you can learn about the Kokanee’s significance in Syilx culture, lively performances from local entertainers, fishy displays and plenty of hands-on natured inspired activities.