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Labiotech adds conference and event listings

Labiotech adds conference and event listings

In the past few months, has boosted its coverage range to go global, added a podcast, expanded to three weekly newsletters, introduced special monthly newsletters, and now we’ve added another string to our bow – conference and event listings.

The page is designed so visitors can easily jump between months and events. Listings have been arranged by date, and there are sub-sections for the various regions: Europe, the Americas, Asia/Pacific, Africa, and virtual-only events. Each listing has the name of the event, which is also a link, the dates, and location.

Our reasoning behind the page was to provide a new resource for readers to see what’s happening now that we’re trying to re-establish a post-lockdown world. 

Finding all of the conferences, trade shows and other meetings was quite a challenge, and involved a lot of searching, so we figured if we have to spend hours finding events, then our readers will too, so we’ve done our best to add as many as we can to the listings.

Clearly, we won’t get them all. If you know something we’ve missed, please send us the details.

Meeting opportunities

Also, we should point out we aren’t endorsing the events in question, it’s simply a list and a resource. Visitors should check the events carefully to ensure they are relevant. This includes whether there are any restrictions, visa requirements, or if there are any changes, postponements or cancellations.

Of course, we will try our best to update the page frequently, and add new events as they are announced.

We’ve also included a short list of conferences and events Labiotech will be covering. So, if you are attending any of those, and have some breaking news for us, get in touch. We’d be happy to sit down and do an interview about it. Or stand up and do an interview. And if you don’t have any news but just want to meet up and say hello, that’s great, too. As long as it’s not to complain about the podcast…