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Maple Ridge horse jumping team takes top spots in Dog Days of Summer event – Maple Ridge News

Maple Ridge horse jumping team takes top spots in Dog Days of Summer event - Maple Ridge News

A Maple Ridge team championed in multiple events at the latest hunter jumper show at the Maple Ridge Equi-Sports Centre.

The Dog Days of Summer Hunter Jumper Show had more than 85 competitors from across the Lower Mainland, in addition to Squamish, and the Interior.

Kaitlyn Harbour’s team from Empire Equestrian accumulated many accolades at the event including:

• Geordan Krysak and horse Story Time took the title of Champion in the Cross Rail Hunter division, with Andrea Sylvestri and horse Attie close behind, earning the title of Cross Rail Hunter Reserve Champion, with the second highest points.

• Georgia Dalrymple and horse Athena championed in the Two Foot Hunter division and received third place in the Hunt and Go division, with Sienna Shayler and horse Hemi taking the reserve spot in the Two Foot Hunter division and sixth spot in Hunt and Go.

• Danika Sojka and horse Flower took first place and top ribbons in the Two Foot Hunter and fifth in the Hunt and go.

• Grace Beeley and horse Secret came second in the Accumulator, third in the Empire Medal, and was the Reserve Champion in the .85 Jumpers division.

• Ivory Butler and horse Cruise were Champions in the 1.10 Jumpers and had other top placings.

• Hannah Pringle and horse Maisy were Reserve Champions in the .90 Jumpers division.

• Emily Bettesworth and horse Echo earned top place ribbons int he Cross Rail Hunter and Equitation on the Flat.

• Kate Payne and horse Sugar also earned many top placings in the Trot Rail and Cross Rail divisions.

• And owner and trainer Kaitlyn Harbour with horse Cosmo had top three finishes throughout the weekend in the Open 1.0 category.

The jumper classes were judged on speed, time, and having no faults, explained Harbour. Hunter classes, she added, were judged on rhythm, style, and position of the rider.

“We have been training year round preparing for our competition season,” said Harbour about the team’s great results.

The team is gearing up for competitions in September at both the Maple Ridge Equi-Centre and Thunderbird Show Park in Langley. Next for the team is the September Fall Day Classic Hunter Jumper Show that runs from Sept. 1-4 in Maple Ridge.

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Hundreds check out career and education opportunities in Maple Ridge – Maple Ridge News

Hundreds check out career and education opportunities in Maple Ridge - Maple Ridge News

More than 35 companies and post secondary institutions handed out information and accepted applications from people searching for the perfect career in Maple Ridge on Thursday.

The Black Press Media Career and Post Secondary Education Event was held at the Golden Ears Winter Club and hundreds of job seekers took advantage of the opportunity to talk with company leaders and learn about the opportunities that are available.

Black Press Media’s events manager, Ranee Pal, said at previous events more than 1,500 attendees have come through the doors who are looking for career changes and post secondary education.

“It’s a one stop shop. It really is,” she said.

Reanna Haddrell, 20, was looking for employment opportunities in business.

“I really like working with people and I’m great at organization and I wanted to look for something in business,” said the Maple Ridge resident.

“There’s so many opportunities and colleges I have never even heard of and they have wonderful programs with in-person and online offers,” she said of the career fair.

Langley resident Troy Edwards, 17, was at the fair just getting an idea of employment opportunities in the workforce. He said he is more interested in the “high-paced jobs, not the sitting down jobs”.

Edwards was checking out a booth for concrete scanning company Xradar and he was also interested in learning about ironworking after talking with ironworker Danielle Shaw about the industry.

Black Press Media has been hosting this event in the community for the past seven years, although Pal advised, during the COVID-19 pandemic they pivoted to a virtual event.

Some of the companies and post secondary institutions at the event on Thursday included: B.C. Corrections, cement company Lafarge, Vancouver Community College, Capilano University, and the City of Maple Ridge.

“It is important to let the community know that there are jobs out there for them,” said Pal about the event.

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Ironworker Danielle Shaw, was explaining the ins and outs of her industry to interested visitors to the Black Press Media Career and Post Secondary Education Event. (Colleen Flanagan/The News)

Ironworker Danielle Shaw, was explaining the ins and outs of her industry to interested visitors to the Black Press Media Career and Post Secondary Education Event. (Colleen Flanagan/The News)

A representative of Archway gives out information. (Colleen Flanagan/The News)

A representative of Archway gives out information. (Colleen Flanagan/The News)

A man checks out the booth for the City of Maple Ridge. (Colleen Flanagan/The News)

A man checks out the booth for the City of Maple Ridge. (Colleen Flanagan/The News)

Ironworker Danielle Shaw, was explaining the ins and outs of her industry to interested visitors to the Black Press Media Career and Post Secondary Education Event. (Colleen Flanagan/The News)

Ironworker Danielle Shaw, was explaining the ins and outs of her industry to interested visitors to the Black Press Media Career and Post Secondary Education Event. (Colleen Flanagan/The News)

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Transition event in Maple Ridge provided for students with diverse needs – Maple Ridge News

Transition event in Maple Ridge provided for students with diverse needs - Maple Ridge News

The Life After School Transition resource fair is coming up for students with extra support needs.

The event will be held at the Greg Moore Youth Centre, at 11925 Haney Pl. on May 31 from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., and students, youth, families, caregivers, support workers, and interested community members are invited to attend.

This event is put on by the LAST Committee to help students and young adults with diverse abilities prepare for the next stage of life, after they graduate from high school. Families with students who will be leaving school in the next five years are encouraged to attend, and see what resources are available in the community.

Representatives from a variety of local service providers and agencies – covering continuing education, employment, health, recreation, financial planning, transportation assistance and more – will be on hand with information about their programs and organization. They will answer questions and provide additional resources or contacts as necessary.

For more information email or see the website

A number of local organizations are involved in the LAST Committee, including School District 42, Community Living BC, the Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living, Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Community Services and more.

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Repair cafe event Saturday in Maple Ridge – Maple Ridge News

Repair cafe event Saturday in Maple Ridge - Maple Ridge News

Willow Cale works her sewing machine at the Repair Cafe at Earth Day. (Neil Corbett/The News)

Willow Cale works her sewing machine at the Repair Cafe at Earth Day. (Neil Corbett/The News)

Repair cafe event Saturday in Maple Ridge

‘Brings us your broken stuff’ says Ridge Meadows Recycling Society

Another Repair Cafe is coming up this Saturday, May 21, in Maple Ridge.

A Repair Cafe is billed by the Ridge Meadows Recycling Society as a chance for residents to learn how to fix broken items – like bicycles, socks, kettles and alarm clocks.

The organizers provide the tools, glue, yarn, and spare parts. They also have experienced, handy volunteers who can offer advice or lend a hand in how to fix your item.

The Repair Cafe will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Maple Ridge Seniors Activity centre, at 12150-224th St.

There are two more upcoming repair events on June 18 and July 23, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Memorial Peace Park.

For more information email or see the website

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Maple Ridge athletes win at SFU track and field event – Maple Ridge News

Maple Ridge athletes win at SFU track and field event - Maple Ridge News

A pair of Maple Ridge leapers had podium finishes for the Simon Fraser University track and field team on Saturday.

The SFU track and field program hosted its High Performance No. 2 meet its final home event of the NCAA season, at the SFU Stadium at Terry Fox Field.

Sophomore Zackary Kuzyk of Maple Ridge won both the high jump and triple jump. He made his collegiate debut in the triple jump, and had a leap of 13.43 meters in his best attempt, ahead of his brother freshman Nickolas Kuzyk (11.35m), who was second.

In the high jump, Zackary Kuzyk cleared 1.82m.

Reid Muller of Pitt Meadows, running for the Sole Experience Running Club, won the mile in a field of 11 runners. He ran a time of 4:07.58

“I wasn’t completely sure I wanted to do this meet but I’m really happy that I did,” said SFU head coach Brit Townsend. “We had so many personal-best performances, especially in the middle-distance, and some of the sprint races. The weather cooperated, I kept pushing it back further and further because I kept looking at the forecast, so we got the best part of the day.”

She said the meet will be a great tune-up for coming events in Oregon and California. The conference championships are also coming, on May 13 and 14 in Ellensburgh, Washington.

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Junior golfers on target in junior tour events – Maple Ridge News

Junior golfers on target in junior tour events - Maple Ridge News

Local golfers were at the top of the leaderboards, as the Maple Leaf Junior Golf Tour held two events over the weekend.

Pitt Meadows golfer Jaden August took second place after a playoff at the MJT Chad Hippsley Real Estate Classic, which was held at Morgan Creek Golf Course in Surrey on April 9 and 10.

August, 13, shot two rounds of 77, and his 154 total tied with Michael Li of Vancouver for first place. August finished second after the playoff. There was a large field of 25 bantam boys competing in the event.

The event featured a $25,000 hole-in-one competition provided by its title sponsor, but there was no lucky winner.

Saturday saw the MJT Mini Tour Spring Series at Tsawwassen Springs. Maple Ridge golfer Cassie Zhiyi Chen, 12, finished third in the girls 11-12 category, and her 91 was just one shot back of the co-leaders.

Daniel Lam, 10, finished sixth out of 17 golfers in the Boys 9-10 class at that event, after he shot an 89.

The next stop on the tour is the MJT Ford series at the Chilliwack Golf and Country Club on April 23 and 24.

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Wild Center to host Maple Weekend events | News, Sports, Jobs

Lake Placid to host eight major events in March | News, Sports, Jobs

TUPPER LAKE — The Wild Center is celebrating all things maple this month.

The Wild Center will be producing its own maple syrup with the help of the Tupper Lake community. Inside its fully-operational sugar shack, visitors will have the opportunity to watch how the sweet sap of trees becomes the highlight of a pancake breakfast. Those who complete a maple-themed scavenger hunt will be entered into a drawing to win a variety of Wild Center prizes. Maple-themed Lunchtime Lives and other digital programs will also be available to the public.

New York state’s Maple Weekends take place on March 19-20 and March 26-27. Maple Weekends showcase all the maple products that are made in New York state.

Tupper Lakers can join the Wild Center’s Community Maple Project, an education program and one of the first-of-its kind in the state, for backyard tapping and maple production. Community members are invited to pick up all necessary tapping equipment free of charge at the Wild Center, tap maple trees in their yards and when the sap begins to flow, coordinate collection with a Wild Center representative daily during the sugaring season. Once returned to the Wild Center, the sap will be boiled down into maple syrup.

Participating community members will receive 70% of the finished product (pure maple syrup) from the sap they provide (typically 40 gallons of sap equals one gallon of maple syrup, or a half-gallon of pure maple syrup to a supplier).

Those interested in the project can reach out to Shannon Surdyk at or 518-359-7800. For more information, please visit us online at

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