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A Moment with the Mayor: World events

A Moment with the Mayor

The events that happen every day worldwide have an impact right here in Lloydminster. Lately, the ever-changing response to the health crisis is underlying all other information as well. We seem to be rounding a corner, and the government’s response to the past two years is becoming one of trying to figure out what living life with COVID-19 might look like.

As I write this, the health restrictions requiring masks to be worn have been lifted in Lloydminster and both provinces. This means that we will get to see each other’s faces again. I miss seeing smiling faces when indoors, and I am looking forward to seeing you again and connecting.

The recent events on a global scale are ones that hit very close to home for some in our community who have relatives and friends in Ukraine. These events also profoundly affect our country as Canada boasts the third-largest population of Ukrainian people outside of Ukraine. Social media has benefits and struggles, the ability to connect immediately with others around the world is a definite gift, yet it also brings a lot of heartaches. The recent invasion of Ukraine strikes a note with many Canadians as we track our family histories back to Eastern and Western Europe. Our thoughts and prayers go out for those affected by the current violence in Ukraine and we also pray for our sister city of Nikopol. This uncertainty has increased the level of anxiety many are facing. Together, we can support each other. We need to connect with those we love, with those who live on our streets and in our community.

Lloydminster is a community filled with caring and compassionate people who are always generous and kind. I am so proud to represent you whenever I have the opportunity to attend events and activities. As we take the next steps and figure out where we are and how we got here, let’s take the time to reach out to our neighbours and respond to those in need. We are part of an amazing community of people who care. Please join me in praying for peace, peace in our hearts, in Ukraine, and around the world. 

Mayor Gerald S. Aalbers
City of Lloydminster