OMAHA, Neb. (WOWT) – Millard North junior Kat Beachler is one of the most well-rounded throwers in the country. The three-time All-American placed second in javelin at the USATF Junior Olympic Championships in July in Sacramento, CA along with placing third in shot put, fifth in discus, and 11th in the hammer throw.
Two of those event not sound familiar? Here’s how Beachler describes them:
”Hammer is like a metal ball on a chain and you just spin with it and throw it. And javelin is basically a long spear that you throw,” said Beachler.
Following first place finishes in shot put and discus in Class A this past season, Beachler moved onto her summer track and field season with the West Omaha Wolves Track Club where she’s able to compete in hammer and javelin.
”They’re so different. It’s like practicing a different sport. So for my practices each week it’s so hard to get multiple practices of the same event in because they’re all so different,” said Beachler.
”Everyone looks at it like throwing is throwing. It’s like doing basketball, volleyball, football. Pick four events and that’s pretty much what she’s doing in the summer time,” said Millard North’s throwing coach Lisa Charles.
Besides competing in four throwing events, Beachler stands out in another way. In the throwing world, Bleacher is considered undersized.
“You look at Kat, she’s like a buck fifty and 5′5. So you can’t compare a 5′5 athlete to a 6-foot-tall thrower. You can’t. So the fact that she’s doing this as a very small, petite thrower is what makes it so incredible,” said Charles.
Having wrapped up her summer track season, Beachler is turning to her offseason training routine.
”During the winter it’s more lifting which is what I’m starting to do right now. But it’s hard to do that over the summer when you’re practicing your events, but a lot of it is just drills and then getting the throws in during the week,” said Beachler.
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