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Feed Your Faith | Department of Theology | University of Notre Dame

Panel Discussion:

Students are encouraged to join Campus Ministry and a variety of faith-based student groups for the annual Feed Your Faith event happening Wednesday, August 24 from 7-9 p.m. on South Quad. This is a chance for students to learn more about the many opportunities to grow in their faith while on campus. Free food truck tickets and t-shirts will be distributed at check-in. See you there!

Originally published at

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Fall 2022 Seminar in American Religion | Department of Theology | University of Notre Dame

Panel Discussion:
Jenkins Bookcover

Philip Jenkins (Baylor University) will discuss his book Climate, Catastrophe, and Faith: How Changes in Climate Drive Religious Upheaval (Oxford, 2021) at the Cushwa Center’s fall 2022 Seminar in American Religion.

Commentators for this seminar are Celia Deane-Drummond (University of Oxford) and Peter Thuesen (IUPUI).


Originally published at

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2022 Summer Events for Undergraduate Researchers // Department of Political Science // University of Notre Dame

Ten Years Hence Lecture: Space Threats and National Security // Department of Political Science // University of Notre Dame
                        2022 Summer Events For Undergraduate Researchers

Click below to review a list of this summer’s professional development and networking events sponsored by REU and Fellowship programs in the College of Engineering, College of Science, Notre Dame International, Notre Dame Research, and The Graduate School. 

       2022 Summer Events For Undergraduate Researchers


*Above Description and Link Courtesy of ND Energy – Original Announcement May Be Viewed Here*

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Ten Years Hence Lecture: Space Threats and National Security // Department of Political Science // University of Notre Dame

Ten Years Hence Lecture: Space Threats and National Security // Department of Political Science // University of Notre Dame

Space Threats and National Security is presented by Lt. General William Liquori, Deputy Chief of Space Operations, Strategy, Plans, Programs, Requirements, and Analysis, United States Space Force. As the Chief Strategy and Resourcing Officer, Lt Gen Liquori has overall responsibility for the strategies, requirements, and budget of the United States Space Force.

This lecture is via Zoom only. Please register in advance to receive the Zoom link.

Free and open to students, faculty, staff and the Notre Dame community. Registration is required in advance to receive the Zoom link.

This is the third of seven lectures in the Ten Years Hence speaker series that will explore Life Beyond Earth. For a listing of all the lectures, visit the Ten Years Hence website.

Ten Years Hence is sponsored by the O’Brien-Smith Leadership Program.