Happy Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month! Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Geoscience (AAPIiG) is excited to announce the details of the slate of upcoming events throughout May to celebrate APA Heritage Month. There are a host of AAPIiG-exclusive mixers, as well as two public panel events that are open to all. For those who self-identify as AAPI or are of Asian- and/or Pacific Islander-descent working at a U.S. based institution, please join our community, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Geoscience (AAPIiG)!
Public events:
APA Heritage Month Panel: Allyship as AAPI Geoscientists
Friday, May 20, 3:00-4:30 p.m. CDT
In this panel, we bring previous speakers for the Virtual ECR Lunch series to highlight a specific part of their experience as AAPI geoscientists: being allies for other marginalized groups, in addition to fellow AAPIs, within the geosciences.
- Open to all (including non-AAPI individuals), live captioning will be available
- Panelists: Dr. Kanani K.M. Lee (Associate Adjunct Professor at UC Berkeley & Staff Scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Lab), Dr. George I. Matsumoto (Senior Education & Research Specialist at Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute), and Dr. Kartik Sheth (CEO/Founder Empowered Earth Alliance)
- Registration link: https://tinyurl.com/APA22-panel1
- For questions, please contact Jeemin at jeemin.h.rhim@dartmouth.edu.
APA Heritage Month Panel: International Scholars in Geosciences
Friday, May 27th, 1:00-2:30 p.m. CDT
Conversations and scholarship about race and structural inequity in United States academic science typically focus on U.S.-born students and scholars, for whom there is more longitudinal data collected. Immigrant scholars have distinct career narratives from U.S.-born students and scholars of color, while representing a substantial proportion of non-white geoscientists working in the U.S. This panel aims to spotlight these experiences by bringing together three earth scientists who have had transnational careers. We hope attendees will come away with insight into how international scholar experiences interplay with efforts to diversity STEM.
- Open to all (including non-AAPI individuals), live captioning will be available
- Panelists: Dr. Asmeret Asefaw Berhe (Professor, Department of Life and Environmental Sciences, UC Merced), Dr. Alejandra Sanchez-Rios (Postdoctoral Scholar, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego), and Dr. Yige Zhang (Assistant Professor, Department of Oceanography at Texas A&M University)
- Registration link: https://beav.es/APA22-panel2
- For questions, please contact Brendan at brendan.a.anzures@nasa.gov.