Sororities, fraternities and gender-inclusive houses have hosted pre-rush events at which prospective members can get to know the various Greek houses on campus.

Spring term marks the informal start of rush, in which sororities, fraternities and gender-inclusive houses host events for potential new members. The events aim to give prospective members the opportunity to get to know the houses.
Sorority events
According to an email sent by the Inter-Sorority Council to campus on April 24, all eight ISC sororities on campus — Alpha Phi sorority, Alpha Xi Delta sorority, Chi Delta sorority, Epsilon Kappa Theta sorority, Kappa Delta sorority, Kappa Delta Epsilon sorority, Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority and Sigma Delta sorority — are hosting various pre-rush events from May 1 to May 21.
Sigma Delt rush chair Emily Hester ’23 said that her sorority has hosted three pre-rush events this term, including an equity and inclusion discussion panel, a backyard event where potential new members could talk to sisters and small-group “sister dates,” where three potential new members could meet with a sister in person.
Though Hester said she does not know the exact number of attendees at each event, she said the level of interest has been “comparable” to events hosted in previous years.
“For our backyard event, it seems like there were definitely over 80 PNMs, so that was a good, high turnout,” Hester said.
Beatriz Falcao ’25 said that she has attended pre-rush events at four sororities, adding that her experience has improved her view of Greek life.
“Coming into Dartmouth, I was a little scared [of Greek life] — as an international student, we have very limited contact with Greek life in general,” Falcao said. “But after having a few conversations about diversity and inclusion, I really heard stories that made me much more confident about Greek life as an inclusive space.”
She noted that she has participated in “sister dates” at two houses, which she said have been “really good” experiences.
“Before we dive into rush, it’s really important that we are aware of the values of each house, and that’s what I’ve been learning at these events,” Falcao said.
Fraternity events
So far, Alpha Chi Alpha fraternity, Beta Alpha Omega fraternity, Bones Gate fraternity, Chi Gamma Epsilon fraternity, Phi Delta Alpha fraternity, Psi Upsilon fraternity, Scarlett Hall fraternity, Sigma Nu fraternity, Kappa Kappa Kappa fraternity and Zeta Psi fraternity have hosted events for pre-rush, according to emails sent to prospective brothers. Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity has also reached out to potential new members, inviting them to meet with executives.
Alpha Chi rush chair Ethan Litmans ’24 said around 180 potential new members showed up to the fraternity’s first pre-rush event, while approximately 140 attended the second.
Litmans said that Alpha Chi’s pool of prospective members comes from two sources. First, the Interfraternity Council sent a poll to members of the Class of 2025 in March to gauge their interest in rushing. Those who indicated that they were interested were compiled into a list, which was then sent to each fraternity.
According to Litmans, Alpha Chi also keeps a separate list of prospective members, composed of people who are “friends with brothers in the house or that brothers know are interested in the house,” who also receive invitations to pre-rush events.
At pre-rush events, the fraternities aim to give prospective brothers a fun experience while helping them get to know the house, Litmans said.
“It was also pretty fun for us,” Litmans said. “We did a lot of activities at the house [including] various games in each of the rooms.”
Ben Kesselman ’25, who attended pre-rush events at Alpha Chi and Bones Gate, said the events gave him a “sense of which ones [he] definitely wouldn’t rush.” He added that he has not checked out all of the houses yet, so he is not sure which he prefers.
“If there’s a frat that works well for me, I’ll rush it,” Kesselman said. “If not, then I won’t. I feel like right now at all the events the guys are supposed to be nice and talkative, so it’s really hard to get an actual vibe of what they’re like.”
Each IFC fraternity, with the exception of non-IFC fraternity Scarlett Hall, also participated in the IFC barbecue on May 8. During this time, students who plan to rush could move between houses to get to know the different brothers.
Gender-inclusive Greek house events
The three gender-inclusive houses on campus — Alpha Theta gender-inclusive Greek house, Phi Tau coed fraternity and The Tabard coed fraternity — have also hosted events for potential new members this spring.
Former Alpha Theta president Mara Kotz ’22 said that Alpha Theta has hosted “casual” events such as s’mores nights, movie nights and meet-and-greets this term.
“These are just cute, small events where you can hang out and are definitely not mandatory for rush,” Kotz said. She added that students can be considered for a bid even if they do not attend pre-rush events by contacting Alpha Theta’s recruitment chair.
Phi Tau rush chair Calvin George ’24 said the house holds two rush-oriented events per term, but he clarified that the events are not “set aside for 25s or for rush specifically” — anyone on campus can attend. This term, the house planned a “candy pong” game and an upcoming s’mores night.
Kotz also noted that gender-inclusive houses conduct rush on “slightly different” timelines than fraternities and sororities. Whereas fraternities and sororities conduct rush in the fall and winter, Alpha Theta conducts rush once every term, while The Tabard and Phi Tau conduct a “rolling” rush process where students can rush at any time, Kotz said.
Anell Paulino ’25 said that she has attended several events at Alpha Theta, which she described as “super chill.”
“I’m just getting to know the members there, which is very fun, and everyone’s super sweet,” she said.
Paulino said she is interested in rushing a gender-inclusive house because it provides a space on campus where she feels “accepted and welcomed.”
“I feel like there’s a good space for everybody now, which is a complete contrast to what I initially thought,” she said. “Because I’ve found the space that I feel like I’m going to rush, I’m excited to see where the journey is headed, but I’m also curious to see if there are other spaces that I feel like I belong to.”