There are still plenty of ways to celebrate Pride Month in the South Okanagan.
The South Okanagan Similkameen Pride Society and other local community groups are arranging for multiple Pride events to close out the month, starting June 24 in Keremeos.
The Lower Similkameen Indian Band Pride Carnival kicks off at 4 p.m. with a parade from the LSIB office in Keremeos, followed by the carnival in Memorial Park until 8 p.m., with local two-spirit drag performer Rez Daddy as a special guest.
Rez Daddy was one of three local 2SLGBTQIA+ performers who kicked off Pride Month at the Dream Cafe in Penticton.
On June 25, the Fruit Float returns to Penticton’s River Channel. SOSPride will be floating down and invite everyone to bring their most colourful floaties, packed coolers, and bright beach accessories.
The float starts with a gathering at 1 p.m. at the Coyote Cruises launch point. Spots can be booked ahead on coyotecruises.com with the code FRUITFLOAT for a 20 per cent discount for the day.
At the midway point there will be a break, before launching again at 2:30 p.m. to finish the rest of the channel.
Finally, on June 26, Penticton Roller Skate will be hosting the first Penticton Rolling PRIDE Parade, which will start at 3 p.m. at the Loco Landing parking lot before ending at Gyro Park.
Sign in starts at 2:30 p.m., and following the end of the parade there will be a pop-up roller disco party.
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