Marketing Series: Creating Engaging and Value-Added Content
Current small business owners in all industries are invited to attend this virtual workshop where we’ll dive into how to create engaging content that adds value while also selling. Speaker: Nicole Cooper, marketing adviser, Roanoke Regional Small Business Development Center. Go to the website to register and find more workshops.
Contact: Register at https://clients.virginiasbdc.org/events.aspx
LeadHERship: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Creating a Sense of Belonging
Registration required! The Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce and the Virginia Western College of Career and Corporate Training have developed a 10-month Women’s LeadHERship Series for women across all industries. The series emphasizes the unique gifts and strengths of women and provides tools for empowerment and success. The series launched in March and runs through December with a new topic each month. Lunch is provided. Register on the website: https://s-rcchamber.org.
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When: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Cost: $35 chamber members, $45 nonmembers
Power Hour is designed to help expand your network and brainstorm the future of the industry with some of the best and brightest. This social event is designed for all women (and allies) in the technology community. It’s a safe space to share your experiences, meet others in similar roles, and expand your reach in the Roanoke-Blacksburg technology community. All job levels are welcome.
Where: Sweet Donkey Coffee, 2108 Broadway Ave. SW, Roanoke
Cost: Free to attend (individual tabs)
Contact: https://www.rbtc.tech
(Virtual) Franklin County Connects
This event provides a structured and supportive networking environment for chamber members. Each month a guest speaker presents vital info regarding the Franklin County business community. Attendees receive chamber updates, meet and network with other members and have an opportunity to share information about their business. Meeting ID and password available at business.visitsmithmountainlake.com/events.
Contact: info@visitsmithmountainlake.com, 540-721-1203
Lunch & Learn: Benefits of SML Chamber Membership
We will walk through the many benefits of chamber membership, how to access the many tools to help your business grow, along with hands-on help on promoting your business or organization through the chamber while you’re here. The Hot Dog Stand food truck will be on-site for you to purchase lunch, or bring your own. You do not have to be a current Smith Mountain Lake Chamber member to attend.
Where: Venture Studio Hub, 98 Wirtz Road, Wirtz
When: 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Contact: Priscilla Locher, Priscilla@venturestudiohub.com
Amy Adams, executive director of the Institute for Biohealth Innovation at George Mason University, will virtually showcase Mason’s cutting-edge biomedical and health research initiatives between students and the broader community. Hear how the commonwealth is leveraging its communities to commercialize biotech and drive momentum across Virginia’s economy. Beer & Biotech is an ecosystem-building series that brings together investors, physicians, academics, inventors, startups and state and regional leaders who are influential in the biotechnology industry. Each event in the yearlong series will feature a local, regional or national speaker and include plenty of time for networking at the host brewery.
Where: Big Lick Brewing Co., 409 Salem Ave. SW, Roanoke
Contact: Register at https://rbtc.tech/rbtc-events
Revised Registration Deadline: Chamber Women’s Leadership Conference
The 2022 Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce Women’s Leadership Conference will take place Aug. 1. Art historian and lawyer Amy Herman will once again be our keynote speaker, and will present her paradigm-shattering twist on problem-solving that helps us find solutions to the problems we face every day. Seating is limited and reservations are required. Payment is required prior to admission. Go to https://www.montgomerycc.org for more info, or to register online.
Where: The Inn at Virginia Tech & Skelton Conference Center, 901 Prices Fork Road, Blacksburg
When: Register by July 22! Event is Aug. 1, 8:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.
Cost: $120 chamber members, $169 nonmembers
Contact: programs@montgomerycc.org, 540-382-3020
SBSC Foodiepreneur Symposium
Roanoke Regional Small Business Development Center is pleased to announce the first annual Foodiepreneur Symposium. This one-of-a-kind day is built for existing and soon-to-be food entrepreneurs to be inspired and to take it to the next level. It’s an all-day affair with resources, vendors, workshops, industry experts and networking (and of course, food!). Tickets are on sale now. To learn more about sponsorship opportunities or to purchase tickets, please visit https://www.roanokesmallbusiness.org/foodie.
Where: Vinton War Memorial, 814 E. Washington Ave., Vinton
Cost: $35 until July 1; $45 thereafter
Contact: www.roanokesmallbusiness.org/foodie
Join us for coffee and refreshments courtesy of our host, Smith Mountain Lake Association. This event provides a structured and supportive networking environment for chamber members.
Where: SMLA, 400 Scruggs Road, Suite 2100, Moneta
Contact: info@ visitsmithmountainlake.com
Information on public events of interest to businesspeople can be emailed to upcoming@roanoke.com. Deadline for submissions is two weeks before the event.