11 events to accompany Smithsonian exhibition in Essex | News | gloucestertimes.com Gloucester Daily Times
11 events to accompany Smithsonian exhibition in Essex | News | gloucestertimes.com Gloucester Daily Times
Nobles and daughters hold events to raise funds for charitable work New Bern Sun Journal
CochraneNow wants to take your whole workplace for a lunch break full of great conversation, fun, and of course, AMAZING PIZZA
Tell us where you work and at the end of the month, you could be the most popular coworker by winning Perks At Work!
Roanoke Higher Education Authority Board
The Board of Trustees of the Roanoke Higher Education Authority will hold a meeting in Room 212 at the Roanoke Higher Education Center. This meeting is open to the public.
Where: Roanoke Higher Education Center, 108 N. Jefferson St., Roanoke
Contact: Kay Dunkley at kay.dunkley@education.edu
Government Contracting Series: How to Become SWaM Certified
Are you a small, women-owned or minority-owned business? Small business owners who are looking to participate in Virginia’s specialized procurement and contracting opportunities are encouraged to become SWaM certified. This workshop will cover the certification process; required documents needed to apply; and how to use the certification to do business with the Commonwealth (intro to eVA, Virginia’s online procurement portal). Our speaker will be Ramain Gohar, Business Manager, Virginia Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity. This event is in collaboration with the Roanoke Regional SBDC.
Contact: Register at https:// www.roanokesmallbusiness.org/training/cert-swam
Roanoke Higher Education Center Open House
Come learn about the more than 200 degree, licensure and certificate programs currently being offered at the Roanoke Higher Education Center. Speak with representatives from our member institutions and discuss program details. Find out more about tuition, admission requirements, program length and more! Free and open to the public. Please register to attend.
Where: Roanoke Higher Education Center, 108 N. Jefferson St., Roanoke
NARFE (National Active and Retired Federal Employees)
Gathering at 11 a.m. Meeting at 11:15 a.m. The speaker will be Allison Szuba. Her topic will be “Giggles to Guffaws.” All are welcome. PLEASE NOTE: Location is assuming The Roanoker is still open. Backup plans are being made.
Where: Roanoker Restaurant Meeting Room, 2522 Colonial Ave. SW, Roanoke
Cost: Order lunch from special menu ($10-14)
Contact: Mark Fisher 772-0984
Botetourt Chamber of Commerce 2022 Annual Meeting of the Membership
Our theme is “Reflecting on the past and preparing for the future.” Join us as we reacquaint! We will welcome our new board members and say thank you to our outgoing board members. Networking, guest speakers, appetizers and more.
Where: Sunnybrook, 7342 Plantation Road, Roanoke
Cost: $30 members, $45 future members
Contact: Jennifer Vance, 540-566-8812, Jennifer@botetourtchamber.com
Free Research Assistance, Business Development, and Career Enhancement…
Look no further than your local public library (in person and online) for help with a wide range of business assistance. While each location is different, every library, through the Library of Virginia, has access to digital resources, learning assets and research tools to help you meet your career and business goals. Join us to learn more!
Contact: Register at https:// clients.virginiasbdc.org/workshop
This event provides a structured and supportive networking environment for chamber members. Each month a guest speaker presents vital info regarding the Franklin County business community. Attendees receive chamber updates, meet and network with other members and have an opportunity to share information about their business. Meeting ID and password available at business.visitsmithmountainlake.com/events.
Contact: info@visitsmithmountainlake.com, 540-721-1203
Future-Proofing Your Business: Web 3.0, NFTs & Blockchain
Confused about blockchain for your business? We’ve got you covered. This illustrative program includes a Q&A session to answer your questions, including how blockchain and bitcoin differ; accepting cryptocurrency as a form of payment; use of non-fungible tokens (NFTs); safety and privacy concerns, and more. Our presenter is Cameron Nelson, Chief Digital Advisor, Virginia SBDC and Central Virginia SBDC.
Contact: Register at https:// clients.virginiasbdc.org/workshop
“Covid After-Action Report”
Reservations required no later than Tuesday, June 7, at noon! Our invited speakers include leadership from the NRV Health District, LewisGale, Carilion and the NRV Regional Commission. Space is limited. Register and pay online.
Where: Warm Hearth Village, 2387 Warm Hearth Drive, Blacksburg
Cost: $25 chamber members — $35 nonmembers
Contact: programs@montgomerycc.org
Virginia’s Blue Ridge Series:
Limited tickets available! For the fourth and final event in the 2022 Virginia’s Blue Ridge Series, retailers from across the region will participate in a panel discussion on the challenges of our current economic environment. The conversation will include discussions on how retailers address supply chain bottlenecks, staffing shortages, rising costs of goods and more. The series is geared toward business owners, C-suite executives and junior to senior-level management professionals, but ALL are welcome! Purchase tickets in advance at the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce website: https://roanokechamber.org.
Where: Vinton War Memorial, 814 E. Washington St., Vinton
When: 7:30 to 9 a.m. (program begins at 8 a.m.)
Cost: $50 members, $100 future members (includes breakfast)
Contact: Eric Sichau, esichau@roanokechamber.org
LeadHERship: Neuroplasticity & The Cognitive Gifts of Women
Registration required! The Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce and the Virginia Western College of Career and Corporate Training have developed a 10-month Women’s LeadHERship Series for women across all industries. The series emphasizes the unique gifts and strengths of women and provides tools for empowerment and success. The series runs through December with a new topic each month. Lunch is provided. Register on the website: https://s-rcchamber.org.
Where: Virginia Western Community College Natural Science Center
When: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Cost: $35 chamber members, $45 nonmembers
Come join your village of women in technology for a morning jolt of real talk. We’re hosting these on the third Wednesday of every month to help us make connections and have casual conversations covering various topics about jobs, mentor requests and everything in between. There is no judgment: come as you are, liquids in the cup are optional, jump in when you can. Morning Jolt is being held online until further notice. Register once to get the zoom link. Sponsored by Roanoke-Blacksburg Technology Council.
When: 8 to 9 a.m. (program begins at 8:15 a.m.)
Contact: Register at https://rbtc.tech/events/
Beer & Biotech: The Future
Beer & Biotech is an ecosystem-building series that will bring together investors, physicians, academics, inventors, startups and state and regional leaders who are influential in the biotechnology industry. Each event in the yearlong series will feature a local, regional or national speaker and include plenty of time for networking and beverages at the host brewery.
Where: Big Lick Brewing Co., 409 Salem Ave. SW, Roanoke
Contact: Register at https://rbtc.tech/rbtc-events
Business Advocacy Breakfast Series: Legislative Wrap-Up
Join the Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce Business Advocacy Committee for the third in a series of business breakfasts. The objective of this event is to provide a legislative wrap-up for the Commonwealth of Virginia. Our guest panel will feature Sen. David Suetterlein and Del. Joseph McNamara. Space will be limited and current Richfield Living COVID safety guidelines will be followed. Registration is required.
Where: Richfield Living, Richfield Town Center Chapel, 3730 Richfield Lane, Salem
Cost: $25 members, $35 nonmembers
Contact: Lynne Kilburn, info@s-rcchamber.org, 540-387-0267
Information on public events of interest to businesspeople can be emailed to upcoming@roanoke.com. Deadline for submissions is two weeks before the event.
Boris Johnson has claimed Downing Street aides attending a string of boozy lockdown parties “genuinely believed that what they were doing was working”.
Sue Gray published her final report on Wednesday into the lockdown culture at Downing Street, detailing 15 gatherings, some of which went on into the early hours, and involved vomiting, an “altercation” and a karaoke machine.
The prime minister was asked at a press conference to explain why journalists were repeatedly told by No 10 spokespeople that no parties took place, despite the fact that several events described by Gray were held in the press office.
Johnson replied: “It’s my strong impression that they genuinely believed that what they were doing was working. I certainly don’t think that they set out to deceive you about that.”
At the press conference, Johnson also continued to insist that aside from the birthday party for which he was fined, he only attended gatherings in a work capacity, to recognise the achievements of staff who were leaving.
“I believe they were work events, they were part of my job; and that view appears to be substantiated by the fact I wasn’t fined for those events,” he said, adding, “I believe that recognising achievement and preserving morale are essential duties of leadership.”
Pressed on whether he had not realised such events were against his Covid guidance, Johnson said: “It didn’t occur to me that it was anything other than my duty as prime minister to do.”
The prime minister also said he had apologised to cleaners and other staff inside Downing Street, after Gray said she had been told about several examples of poor behaviour towards such staff.
For a second time, he dodged the question of whether he implied to Gray at a recent meeting that she should drop her report. Johnson, who declined to answer the question in the House of Commons earlier, simply pointed out that Gray’s terms of reference required a report to be published.
The prime minister sought to turn the page on the long-running Partygate saga, saying he would “work every hour” to tackle the cost of living crisis, “stand firm” against Vladimir Putin and level up the UK.
Gray’s report, which was published on Wednesday morning, detailed 15 social gatherings over eight dates during the pandemic, some of which continued until the early hours.
In what appeared to be an indictment of the prime minister, as well as senior civil servants, the report said: “The senior leadership at the centre, both political and official, must bear responsibility for this culture.”
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Earlier, Johnson told the Commons he took “full responsibility for everything that took place on my watch”. He repeated his apology for the birthday gathering in June 2020, for which he received a fixed-penalty notice.
But the prime minister also continued to insist he believed other gatherings he attended were “work events”, and suggested this view had been “vindicated” by the fact he only received a single fine.
Square Enix and developer Crystal Dynamics continue to tinker away on Marvel’s Avengers, the online-focused third-person superhero adventure set adjacent to the world’s most popular movie franchise. While Avengers can’t claim that title in the world of games, there is a dedicated fanbase returning week after week to smash up AIM robots as their favorite heroes. To that end, Crystal Dynamics has revealed a few tweaks to how their limited-time events reward players, giving options for both the weekend warriors and those who just can’t get enough.
RELATED: Marvel’s Avengers Adds Another MCU Skin to Iron Man’s Armory
Starting with the upcoming Marvel’s Avengers patch 2.4, each event will have three different mission chains that players can take part in, each offering a different level of reward. Daily Mission Chains reward playing on each day of a two-week happening, while Minor MIssion Chains offer hero-specific rewards that can increase power levels effortlessly. Finally, Meta Mission Chains are the most rewarding, combining the missions from the other two chains and dropping some of the most powerful loot available in the game. These mission chains will be available starting with the Tachyon Anomaly event on May 26 and continue onto future events going forward.
Patch 2.4 will go live next week with a rework of the rewards you’ll receive for participating in our limited-time events, offering even more opportunities to power up your Heroes.https://t.co/IPGIkpT5A0 pic.twitter.com/fTmrJVzQ6S
— Marvel’s Avengers (@PlayAvengers) May 20, 2022
In their post about the rework, the developers mention that they wanted to standardize event rewards so players knew exactly what they were getting into. By giving players a specific type of reward each time but also theming those rewards around the specific events, they can keep the theming of the prior model intact while also letting players plan out their superheroics with ease.
MORE: Justice League Game Announced for Next Year
Dedicated Marvel’s Avengers aficionados will have plenty to do in the weeks ahead, and they have plenty to be excited about in the next patch. Following this event rework, Patch 2.5 will introduce Jane Foster as The Mighty Thor to the game’s playable roster. Aligning with the upcoming release of Thor: Love and Thunder to theaters, this female Thor will be another opportunity to gather loot and power up through the game’s various mission chains and story beats.
In this session, we will review the status of “disconnecting from work” requirements for employers, including policies and other implications on hours of work, place of work, and overtime considerations.
We will discuss:
This webinar is complimentary
Available Via Webinar
Note: This programme contains 1 hours and 30 minutes of Substantive content for the purposes of the Law Society of Ontario’s annual Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements.
This programme contains 1.5 hours of accredited content for the purposes of the Law Society of British Columbia’s annual Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements. The session has been loaded with the LSBC and is titled “Fasken’s Disconnecting from Work – New, Old, and Potential Considerations for Employers – May 2022”. It is available for claiming through your LSBC Member Portal.
A confirmation of participation will be sent to you for your continuing education hours with the Barreau du Québec.
For CPD/CLE in other jurisdictions, please contact your local Law Society.
Work has begun in preparation for the new event centre destined for the Humboldt Golf Course. The centre got the green light for a loan from the City of Humboldt and the hope is to have construction well underway this spring and the tent and permanent storage and washroom structure completed this summer, says Cory Schweitzer, General Manager of HGC.
The new structure will replace the tent that’s been used for summer events up to this point. The existing tent is 18 metres by 15 metres and is located just to the north of the club house. The new tent structure will be 18 by 40 metres, around 7800 total square feet, and affixed to a concrete platform. Just adjacent to the west side, a permanent structure will be erected that will serve a number of functions. The complex will be located to the south of the club house and parking lot, adjacent to the 10th hole tee box.
“That structure will contain a storage facility, beverage facility including walk-in coolers, and washrooms,” explains Schweitzer. “Loading beer carts, for example, will happen out of there. We’ve pretty much outgrown the club house for that.”
The idea is to have a three season facility available from the beginning of May to a tarp take down in October. The tent facility will be available for major annual events such as the Conexus Humboldt Broncos Memorial Golf Tournament and the BBBS Diva for a Day Challenge. It would also be available for other community or private events, says Schweitzer.
“We recognized the need for a facility larger than Jubilee Hall, and I think all along, the idea here was to complement the existing facilities in Humboldt and not compete with them. I think the support from the city shows that they feel the same way.”
The Golf Club has been in discussions with the City for sometime about the project which could host dinner theatre events, dance recitals, larger public and private gatherings just to name a few. With Humboldt’s projected growth, Schweitzer sees the move as important to the well-being of the Golf Club itself.
“One of the things recognized in the planning was at some point as we move forward and start to outgrow the space we have, that this can kind of bridge that gap between some plans later to possibly expand the clubhouse. If we have this facility to take that pressure off for now, I think there’s certainly a need for that.”
The hope is that one of the first serious field tests for the new structure will come this summer with the Broncos Memorial Golf Tournament, the SJHL Hall of Fame Induction, and the much anticipated Hunter Brothers concert.
A pending overhaul of Riverhead Town’s special events law that would substantially reduce regulatory requirements for event promoters, is going back to the drawing board.
The proposed amendments, the subject of a town board public hearing last week, would slash the time town officials would have to review and approve special event applications and drastically reduce the amount and type of information required to be provided by event promoters in their permit applications.
“It’s still a work in progress,” Councilman Tim Hubbard said in a phone interview Tuesday.
The revisions were developed last year by a Riverhead Business Advisory subcommittee, an effort led by then-president of the Riverhead Chamber of Commerce Bob Kern, entertainment venue operator and event/festival producer Dean Del Prete, (Cousins Paint Ball, Long Island Sports Park), and event planner Monique Parsons, co-owner of North Fork Event Company. The trio presented the proposal to the town board at its July 1 work session.
Hubbard said the Riverhead Fire Marshal was not involved in developing the pending draft revisions and, after last week’s public hearing, raised concerns about some of the changes proposed. Hubbard said the police chief has also raised some concerns.
Riverhead Fire Marshal Craig Zitek did not return a phone call seeking comment.
“Some of the time frames are too short,” Police Chief David Hegermiller said in an interview today. He said he and the fire marshal were not involved in the proposed revision and weren’t given copies of the proposed law prior to the hearing.
“I just saw [the proposal] and only had time to go through it quickly,” he said. Hegermiller said he’d be sitting down with Fire Marshal Craig Zitek to review the proposed amendments.
“I don’t even know who did it,” Hegermiller said. “But we should have been a part of it. The committee should have been more balanced,” he said.
“The purpose of this law as far as we’re concerned is to make sure we have a safe event,” the chief said.
The draft revision adds a “Purpose and Intent” to the Special Events law that doesn’t mention public safety, but speaks only of promoting economic development and cultural tourism, “to generate foot-traffic and attract tourists and patrons.”
That’s all well and good, the chief said, but “the overreaching goal is that we ensure public safety.”
Hubbard, one of the two town board liaisons to the town’s code revision committee, agreed.
“The fire marshal was part of this when we did it in 2018,” Hubbard said, referring to a code revision process that culminated in amendments adopted in December 2018. “When the business advisory [committee] redid it, they submitted their final revision to the board and everybody around got it, except for, apparently, the fire marshal.”
The Greater Jamesport Civic Association, in written comments submitted to the town board in advance of the April 5 hearing, called the proposal “unduly risky and an abrogation of the Town’s responsibilities.” It also questioned “whether the sponsor of the proposal conferred with and sought input from the Police, Fire Marshall and Code Enforcement agencies.”
The proposed amendments would place event attendees and the surrounding community at increased safety risk, according to the civic association said in the letter. It expressed specific opposition to the elimination of existing application requirements, including site plans, fire safety plans and parking details.
“It won’t be put up for a vote anytime soon, certainly not at the next meeting,” Hubbard said Tuesday.
Members of the business community and others involved in event planning and production in Riverhead had been extremely critical of the December 2018 amendment of the special events code. The 2018 amendments established much longer deadlines for special event permit applications, increased application fees and imposed late fees for applications that don’t meet the deadlines.
The 2018 revisions came after discussions of the burden on town staff resources caused by an increasing number of special events in Riverhead — especially during peak summer months — as well as the traffic impacts on town roadways.
Various town departments are responsible for reviewing different aspects of special event permit applications prior to town board approval of the permit, including the town clerk, town attorney and fire marshal’s offices and the police department. Staff members told the town board during work session discussions that the permit application deadlines in the existing town code did not leave adequate time for review.
The special events code in effect in 2018 was largely unchanged from its original form when it was enacted in December 2003. It set application deadlines (and other requirements) based on the size of the event being proposed. For events expected to draw fewer than 1,000 attendees, applications were required to be filed at least 40 days in advance of the event date. Events expected to draw 1,000 to 4,999 attendees were required to have applications filed 120 days prior to the event. Those expected to draw more than 5,000 attendees had to have applications filed “at least” 180 days prior to the event.
The December 2018 revisions lengthened the lead times for town staff review and also adjusted the spectator numbers. The change established a 90-day lead time for events expected to draw up to 750 attendees, a 180-day lead time for events expected to draw 751 to 2,500 attendees, and a 270-day lead time for events expected to draw more than 2,500 attendees.
The 2018 revisions included a new section that allowed the town to consider “possible conflicts with other events and seasonal demands which may overtax or cause an undue burden on town services” when deciding whether to approve or deny an event application.
The 2018 revisions also: required the applicant to submit a certificate of insurance to the town clerk 30 days prior to the commencement of the event; pay a nonrefundable application fee; established a late application fee of $20 per day beyond the submission deadline; established a fee for amending the permit application equal to 25% of the application fee; and increased the penalties for failure to obtain a special event permit.
The 2018 amendments did not provide for a transition period, so some event sponsors planning events in 2019 found themselves unable to meet the filing deadlines contained in the new law. After complaints from those sponsors, the town board in April 2019 adopted an “amnesty” provision, delaying the effective date of the 2018 revisions to June 18, 2019. In August 2019, the board again extended the amnesty period to Dec. 18, 2019.
During that amnesty period, town officials, with input from the Business Advisory Committee, set about to amend the code again.
The town board on Dec. 17, 2019 adopted a new set of sweeping revisions to the Special Events code that rolled back some of the changes made a year earlier.
It increased the thresholds for “large” and “mass” gathering events, which are subject to more regulation. It also shortened the lead times for applications adopted a year earlier, reducing the lead time for large gathering special events (1,001-4,000 attendees) from 180 days to 120 days and reducing the lead time for mass gathering events from 270 days to 180 days.)
The board also eliminated the $20 per day late fee, changed the application amendment fee from 25% of the original application fee to a flat fee of $150, and deleted the new provision that established “possible conflicts with other events and seasonal demands” as a potential ground for denial of a permit.
The 2019 amendments also revised or entirely deleted a host of special events law provisions that had been in effect since its adoption in 2003.
The current set of proposed amendments seeks to simplify and streamline the application process even more and ease restrictions on event producers.
Kern, who was elected to the town board in November and took office Jan. 1, spoke out at the hearing in support of the need for further amendment of the law.
“Even though it’s been amended, I can tell you that it’s still more onerous than other towns,” Kern said.
“I think people have this fear that this is Back then in their neighborhoods, most of these larger events don’t take place anywhere near anybody’s homes,” he said.
“The economic development benefit is incredible to businesses in this town — and also, we compete with other towns in terms of events,” Kern said.
“In addition, I’ll say this, the town square is going to be a hangout if it’s not activated every single weekend with events,” Kern said. “We need to be friendly to the people that produce events, and be welcoming to people that want to bring events to our town,” he said.
The proposed revisions shorten the lead times required for applications that were adopted in the last two revisions. The lead time required for small gathering events (100-1,000 attendees), which was increased from 40 days to 90 days in 2018 (and left unchanged in 2019), would be reduced to 45 days. The lead time for “large gathering” events (1,001-4,000 attendees) increased in 2018 from 120 days (set in 2003) to 180 days and rolled back to 120 days in 2019, would now be reduced to 60 days. The lead time for “mass gathering” events, which was increased from 180 days (set in 2003) to 270 days in 2018, then reset to 180 days in 2019, would be reduced to 90 days under the proposed amendments.
While the existing code states that applications filed within 45 days of a “small gathering” event or within 60 days of a large or mass gathering event will be denied, the proposed revisions allow allowed the applications to be filed five to 15 days beyond the new application deadlines upon the payment of a late fee (to be determined by town board resolution.) This means that “small gathering” event applicants could file 40 days before the event date, “large gathering” applicants could file 45 days prior to the event date, and “mass gathering” applicants could file 75 days before the event date.
The proposed amendments would eliminate application requirements for:
Kern said at the hearing that things were left out of the code “not on purpose” — including a sitemap requirement a hold harmless requirement, and a public safety plan, which he said must be submitted with the application.
“It was just a slip-up and is now back into the code,” Kern said. “Maybe a couple other minor things.”
Jamesport resident Barbara Blass, who was a member of the town board when the 2003 Special Events law was adopted, said the town should not eliminate the need for environmental assessment of all special event plans. “I do believe a short-form EAF should be required for all special event permits,” Blass said.
“There’s a statement in the code that says the town board will assess whether the event impacts general health, safety and welfare of the town as identified through SEQRA [the State Environmental Quality Review Act] pursuant to Part 617,” Blass said, referring to state regulations pertaining to environmental quality review. “And I wonder how you get there, if you don’t have an environmental assessment form to evaluate.”
Blass also pointed out that the hearing notice contained an inaccurate reference to the name of Chapter 255, “Parades, Assemblies and Special Events.” The notice said the hearing was about amendments to “Parades and Assemblies,” which is the name of Article I of Chapter 255. Article II is titled “Special Events,” and the bulk of the revisions in the proposed amendments affect the Special Events law, which is Article II.
“I’m sure it was not intentional,” Blass said at the hearing.
“It wasn’t intentional,” Supervisor Yvette Aguiar replied. “A parade is a special event,” she said. “Let’s just go forward we got that. It was to address 255 and that was the title, they left something out. We got it. We’ll move forward. Thank you.”
Blass said afterward she raised the question because a lot of residents are interested in the regulation of special events and might not have realized from the way the hearing notice was written that it had anything to do with special events, since it only mentioned parades and assemblies. “I think it was a little misleading,” she said.
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