Roanoke Higher Education Authority Board
The Board of Trustees of the Roanoke Higher Education Authority will hold a meeting in Room 212 at the Roanoke Higher Education Center. This meeting is open to the public.
Where: Roanoke Higher Education Center, 108 N. Jefferson St., Roanoke
Contact: Kay Dunkley at kay.dunkley@education.edu
Government Contracting Series: How to Become SWaM Certified
Are you a small, women-owned or minority-owned business? Small business owners who are looking to participate in Virginia’s specialized procurement and contracting opportunities are encouraged to become SWaM certified. This workshop will cover the certification process; required documents needed to apply; and how to use the certification to do business with the Commonwealth (intro to eVA, Virginia’s online procurement portal). Our speaker will be Ramain Gohar, Business Manager, Virginia Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity. This event is in collaboration with the Roanoke Regional SBDC.
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Contact: Register at https:// www.roanokesmallbusiness.org/training/cert-swam
Roanoke Higher Education Center Open House
Come learn about the more than 200 degree, licensure and certificate programs currently being offered at the Roanoke Higher Education Center. Speak with representatives from our member institutions and discuss program details. Find out more about tuition, admission requirements, program length and more! Free and open to the public. Please register to attend.
Where: Roanoke Higher Education Center, 108 N. Jefferson St., Roanoke
NARFE (National Active and Retired Federal Employees)
Gathering at 11 a.m. Meeting at 11:15 a.m. The speaker will be Allison Szuba. Her topic will be “Giggles to Guffaws.” All are welcome. PLEASE NOTE: Location is assuming The Roanoker is still open. Backup plans are being made.
Where: Roanoker Restaurant Meeting Room, 2522 Colonial Ave. SW, Roanoke
Cost: Order lunch from special menu ($10-14)
Contact: Mark Fisher 772-0984
Botetourt Chamber of Commerce 2022 Annual Meeting of the Membership
Our theme is “Reflecting on the past and preparing for the future.” Join us as we reacquaint! We will welcome our new board members and say thank you to our outgoing board members. Networking, guest speakers, appetizers and more.
Where: Sunnybrook, 7342 Plantation Road, Roanoke
Cost: $30 members, $45 future members
Contact: Jennifer Vance, 540-566-8812, Jennifer@botetourtchamber.com
Free Research Assistance, Business Development, and Career Enhancement…
Look no further than your local public library (in person and online) for help with a wide range of business assistance. While each location is different, every library, through the Library of Virginia, has access to digital resources, learning assets and research tools to help you meet your career and business goals. Join us to learn more!
Contact: Register at https:// clients.virginiasbdc.org/workshop
This event provides a structured and supportive networking environment for chamber members. Each month a guest speaker presents vital info regarding the Franklin County business community. Attendees receive chamber updates, meet and network with other members and have an opportunity to share information about their business. Meeting ID and password available at business.visitsmithmountainlake.com/events.
Contact: info@visitsmithmountainlake.com, 540-721-1203
Future-Proofing Your Business: Web 3.0, NFTs & Blockchain
Confused about blockchain for your business? We’ve got you covered. This illustrative program includes a Q&A session to answer your questions, including how blockchain and bitcoin differ; accepting cryptocurrency as a form of payment; use of non-fungible tokens (NFTs); safety and privacy concerns, and more. Our presenter is Cameron Nelson, Chief Digital Advisor, Virginia SBDC and Central Virginia SBDC.
Contact: Register at https:// clients.virginiasbdc.org/workshop
“Covid After-Action Report”
Reservations required no later than Tuesday, June 7, at noon! Our invited speakers include leadership from the NRV Health District, LewisGale, Carilion and the NRV Regional Commission. Space is limited. Register and pay online.
Where: Warm Hearth Village, 2387 Warm Hearth Drive, Blacksburg
Cost: $25 chamber members — $35 nonmembers
Contact: programs@montgomerycc.org
Virginia’s Blue Ridge Series:
Limited tickets available! For the fourth and final event in the 2022 Virginia’s Blue Ridge Series, retailers from across the region will participate in a panel discussion on the challenges of our current economic environment. The conversation will include discussions on how retailers address supply chain bottlenecks, staffing shortages, rising costs of goods and more. The series is geared toward business owners, C-suite executives and junior to senior-level management professionals, but ALL are welcome! Purchase tickets in advance at the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce website: https://roanokechamber.org.
Where: Vinton War Memorial, 814 E. Washington St., Vinton
When: 7:30 to 9 a.m. (program begins at 8 a.m.)
Cost: $50 members, $100 future members (includes breakfast)
Contact: Eric Sichau, esichau@roanokechamber.org
LeadHERship: Neuroplasticity & The Cognitive Gifts of Women
Registration required! The Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce and the Virginia Western College of Career and Corporate Training have developed a 10-month Women’s LeadHERship Series for women across all industries. The series emphasizes the unique gifts and strengths of women and provides tools for empowerment and success. The series runs through December with a new topic each month. Lunch is provided. Register on the website: https://s-rcchamber.org.
Where: Virginia Western Community College Natural Science Center
When: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Cost: $35 chamber members, $45 nonmembers
Come join your village of women in technology for a morning jolt of real talk. We’re hosting these on the third Wednesday of every month to help us make connections and have casual conversations covering various topics about jobs, mentor requests and everything in between. There is no judgment: come as you are, liquids in the cup are optional, jump in when you can. Morning Jolt is being held online until further notice. Register once to get the zoom link. Sponsored by Roanoke-Blacksburg Technology Council.
When: 8 to 9 a.m. (program begins at 8:15 a.m.)
Contact: Register at https://rbtc.tech/events/
Beer & Biotech: The Future
Beer & Biotech is an ecosystem-building series that will bring together investors, physicians, academics, inventors, startups and state and regional leaders who are influential in the biotechnology industry. Each event in the yearlong series will feature a local, regional or national speaker and include plenty of time for networking and beverages at the host brewery.
Where: Big Lick Brewing Co., 409 Salem Ave. SW, Roanoke
Contact: Register at https://rbtc.tech/rbtc-events
Business Advocacy Breakfast Series: Legislative Wrap-Up
Join the Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce Business Advocacy Committee for the third in a series of business breakfasts. The objective of this event is to provide a legislative wrap-up for the Commonwealth of Virginia. Our guest panel will feature Sen. David Suetterlein and Del. Joseph McNamara. Space will be limited and current Richfield Living COVID safety guidelines will be followed. Registration is required.
Where: Richfield Living, Richfield Town Center Chapel, 3730 Richfield Lane, Salem
Cost: $25 members, $35 nonmembers
Contact: Lynne Kilburn, info@s-rcchamber.org, 540-387-0267
Information on public events of interest to businesspeople can be emailed to upcoming@roanoke.com. Deadline for submissions is two weeks before the event.