The staff at the Stittsville Library told Stittsville Central, “We’re really happy with the busyness in our branch one week into school holidays, many new people coming in to get library cards and children’s programs are well attended”.
Stittsville Library is busy this summer with branch programming and children signing up for the Summer Reading Club. All children are welcome to drop in and join the Club whether they attend programs or just keep track of their reading. There is a prize draw from submitted ballots each week.
Teen interests include Staycation Summer Bingo with chances to win a prize. https://biblioottawalibrary.ca/en/program?f%5B0%5D=field_age_group%3A1152&f%5B1%5D=field_cat
At Stittsville branch teens can also find craft kits and other activities to take home or do in our branch. https://biblioottawalibrary.ca/en/program?f%5B0%5D=field_age_group%3A1152&f%5B1%5D=field_cat egory%3A47019&f%5B2%5D=field_series_1%3A50525.
Future teen authors can take advantage of our Stittsville Creative Writing Teen Group. https://biblioottawalibrary.ca/en/event/stittsville-creative-writing-group-youth-program.
Ask the staff for more information on all of the summer programs on your next visit to the library.